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Author Topic: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1  (Read 1088 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« on: August 15, 2019, 04:54:52 PM »

Go here:

Fill out the biography fields of your Lance Members while you're there.

Keep each entry under ~200 words, please.  EDIT: Lance Leaders up to 300 words.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2019, 05:01:10 PM by Darrian Wolffe »


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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2019, 09:54:59 PM »

Any plan to add the fallen? Or the departed? We've had a number of lance leaders/lances wander off into the sunset.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2019, 09:56:15 PM »

Any plan to add the fallen? Or the departed? We've had a number of lance leaders/lances wander off into the sunset.

Yes, but this specific instance is a snapshot as as 3051.  I also plan to do a snapshot pre-Somerset, at a minimum.


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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2019, 10:28:52 PM »

And thus marched the fools blithely into the lion's den. From whence they sprang into the... Oh... That might be a small problem... More lions...


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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2019, 08:49:42 AM »

updates for sourcebook

Lynn has 2 EDGE and is now piloting the MAD
William now pilots the CTF and has JJ
Milton and Faith GRF are swapped
Constance has Fist Fire
Kennedy now has a modified JAV
Tyan had 1 EDGE

Also it forces a request access and doesnt allow to modify. I am assuming this is intentional and makes sense. What route do you want us to tkae as far as updating bios since the lock is on there? Are we just sending a PM with the bio to copy paste or waiting and doing it ourselves?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 08:51:40 AM by Ice »
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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2019, 12:02:59 AM »

Kato's Profile, 305 words originally 1300+.  Any suggestions for tightening?

Kato Yamamori Atayde was born on May 12, 3016, the second son of Kenji Yamamori, Shonso of Epsilon Eridani.  His mother was the only daughter of Sheng Mandrinn Atayde of Capella.   As part of the marriage contract, Yamamori’s second son would be given Atayde as his family name and so continue the Atayde family line.  Many of Kato’s relatives serve with the 4th Tau Ceti Lancers, causing a family schism during the 4th Succession War, the 4th remaining in service to the Capellan Confederation and parts of the family remaining on Epsilon Eridani.

Kato’s family kept order and served honorably under Colonel Ridzik helping many during the difficult years including aiding those who wished to return to the Confederation.  Kato’s efforts earned him citizenship for service to the Capellan state.  His family was vetted by MIIO and confirmed as Count and Countess with Kato as heir.  He attended NAIS and upon graduation was assigned to the Fifth FedCom RCT where he rapidly rose to the rank of Sergeant Major.  On Halstead, under attack by two Swords of Light Regiments, General Flattery ordered retreat abandoning a ‘Mech Company.  When challenged, he sarcastically told Kato to go get them.  Refusing to leave men behind, Kato rescued them to the General’s embarrassment.  For his actions Kato was awarded the Silver Starburst, sent to Albion Military Academy and commissioned as a Kommandant. 

Slattery got his revenge, revealing Kato’s Confederation ties raising a huge stink.  While MIIO was confident in Kato’s loyalty, the optics were extremely bad.  With the help and support of Marshal Dunn, Slattery’s XO, Kato left the AFFC and joined the Numenorean Rangers.  An expert in tactics and strategy, he specialized in night operations and brought in a lance of specialists.  He rose through the Ranger ranks quickly, recently making Colonel after losses against Clan Jade Falcon.


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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2019, 12:07:30 AM »

Here's the updated non-profile data:

Colonel Kato Atayde
Environmental Specialist (Darkness), Blind Fighter
Mech: 6R Warhammer (Custom)

Lieutenant JG Carey Fletcher
Blind Fighter
Mech: HK1 Phoenix Hawk LAM

Sergeant Zefry Cochrane
Terrain Master (Mountaineer), Eagle Eyes, Fist Fire
Mech: 1A Wasp

Sergeant Miles Lassiter
Blind Fighter
Mech: 9R Panther (Custom)

Sergeant Isabella Corte
Mech: 7M Thunderbolt (Custom)

Sergeant Getta Milos
Blind Fighter
Mech: Shadow Hawk 2Hb (Custom)


Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2019, 02:24:04 PM »

Link should now be editable.


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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2019, 01:38:50 PM »

Here's the former CO info. Phone posting so it's just copypasta.

Name: Aaron Saltier
Callsign: Aragorn

Born: 1 April 3018
Mother: Marie Salthier née Zhang
Father: Paul Salthier, Baron Chengzhuo, Ziliang (Dossier 06-3004-98CA-MWO7)

Education: Albion Advanced Tactics Military Preparatory School
Basic Training: Albion Military Academy
Mechwarrior Training: Albion Military Academy
Officer Candidate School: Goshen War College
Military Scientist Training: Goshen War College

Unit Affiliation: 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry
Severance Rank: Kommandant, CO 3rd Battalion

Service Summary (declassified):
Kommandant Saltier, then Sergeant Saltier, was a member of Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Federated Suns Armored Cavalry during the 3037 skirmishes and reconnaissance of Menke to welcome the new commander of McCarron's Armored Cavalry (MAC). During the skirmish at the Yaolan River, Bravo Company was ambushed and brought under heavy fire. All of Bravo Company's officers were incapacitated or killed in the opening seconds of the action (Leftenant Rademacher, the senior surviving officer, was medevaced and eventually medically discharged). Sergeant Saltier maintained company cohesion, called in artillery fire support and pushed a counter assault into the ambushing tank company that resulted in the capture of a lance of Rommel Tanks, including the MAC battalion command vehicle. For courage under fire and service above and beyond the call of duty, Sargeant Saltier was awarded the Silver Sunburst and sent to the War College of Goshen for officer training. While there, Sargeant Saltier participated in early deployment trials and strategy testing for new weapons and equipment (ER PPCs and pulse lasers). As a result of his work at Goshen, Kommandant Saltier was slated to return to Ziliang and assume command of 3rd Batallion. He reached Ziliang in time to join the assault on Grand Base during the war of 3039 Case Juliet operation against the Capellan Confederation. His performance during the action was noted in dispatches and 3rd Battallion managed to inflict heavy losses on the Death Commandos. Foloowing the action on Grand Base, he was slated for promotion. However, an assassination attempt on Baron Saltier resulted in injuries requiring significant medical intervention and Kommandant Saltier requested compassionate leave and, eventually, separation. A short time later Baron Saltier succumbed to his wounds and Marie Saltier assumed the title of Baroness Saltier. Shortly thereafter Aaron joined the Numenorean Rangers.

Slice of life on Somerset:
« Last Edit: August 20, 2019, 01:48:36 PM by Timberwolfd »


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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2019, 08:07:21 AM »

Bios are some but may need revision based on if info needs omitted
Die Clanner!!!!


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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2019, 03:42:50 PM »

Do we have a target completion date?  That might help ensure it's all in on time.  I recommend putting it a few days to a week before we drop dead need to have it done.


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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2019, 05:28:32 PM »

Do we have a target completion date?  That might help ensure it's all in on time.  I recommend putting it a few days to a week before we drop dead need to have it done.

I've been pretty much taking 1-2 per.person 3 in some cases so the sooner the better
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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2019, 04:09:52 PM »

Rob, how do you edit skill information in boxes?
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Re: Numenorean Rangers Sourcebook v0.1
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2019, 05:16:30 PM »

You would have to add them in manually into MekHq to change them. There are boxes you can mark for each SPA from all sourcebooks (official or otherwise) is included.