Name Wolfgang Von Manstein
Affiliation Lyrian Alliance
Region Tamar: Quirk/Hatred of Clans, Edge +1
Primary Language: German
Secondary Languages: Scottish Gaelic, Italian, Swedish, English
Bonus Skills: Negotiation +2, Appraisal +1
Traits: The easy life so common among Lyrans has led to a general distaste for the dirty business of combat. To reflect this, increase the value of the Timid and Combat Paralysis traits by one for characters from the Alliance when purchased after the Life Path.
Path Restrictions: None. Lyran characters who follow the Free Trader Path may add a +1 modifier to their event die rolls.
Boot Camps: Many of the troops in the LAAF never attend academies. Instead, they enroll in one of the regional "boot camps" dotted around the Alliance, taking the Military Enlistment Path. However, the best and brightest boot-camp attendees may be sponsored for attendance at a major academy. Any character rolling 9 or higher on his Military Enlistment Events may take his remaining military training (if any) at a randomly determined military academy (see the Military Academy Table). Players may roll to
determine the academy (and thus the available fields) before deciding whether to transfer. Those who do gain the Stigma/Militia-Trained Trait when dealing with members of the LAAF trained solely in an Academy.