OK, so we're in kind of a rough place to start the campaign. I understand completely that people are tired of painting blue, so here's how the unit paint schemes are going to work:
1) Anything goes until the end of the first contract. Nobody's having a complete painted lance by July 23rd.
2) You can paint your lance Mechs however you like, as long as they're a
consistent paint scheme across all your lance Mechs. All blue? Sure. All green? Sure. All white with black tiger stripes? Go for it. One green, one blue, one black, and one plaid Mech in orange blue and puce? No, thank you.
3) All unit base edges will be painted the same across all lances. That's how we ID our Mechs on the battlefield.
4) If there's interest in a community collection to commission custom unit decals through an etsy vendor (since FPG is basically defunct), we can have that conversation here. The Rangers unit emblem is currently the following, but as you're an expansion regiment that's open for change:
Unit basesEveryone is going to use the same paints on their base edges to make for easy ID (the expected variety in paint schemes necessitates some sort of mechanism to tell the difference between OPFOR and unit Mechs). The total cost of the paint should be $2.98. The colors are "Americana DecoArt" Light Buttermilk (DA164), and Ultramarine Blue (DA225), both easily available at Michaels Arts & Crafts, selling for $1.49 each. 5 base edges should be painted in the blue, and the unit's front facing base edge should be picked out in the Light Buttermilk.
Painting serviceI will be available for painting commissions again, if anyone wants. The cost will be based on the difficult of the desired paint scheme, but isn't going to be $5/Mech this time because everything is a lot more expensive now.