Anyone got one? I'd especially like a pic of a modded miniature version. Has it ever been included in one of the video games perhaps?
I'd like to kitbash one (or two) of these, to be paired up with a Sha Yu. It seems like a ridiculously easy bash. Take a standard Cat, bore out some Arrow IV holes in the right side launcher (either 3 or 5) and use green stuff to smooth out the remaining LRM holes. Keep the left side covered to function as an ammo bin, perhaps with extra warning decals. I'd probably take the right-side cover and cut it in half, making each half mount to the side of the launcher, instead of a single plate on top.
That seems like the easy way, but the silhouette would look so similar to a basic cat that I wonder if it's drastic enough. I also thought of perhaps removing the left-side launcher completely, and saying all the ammo is housed in the main torso, or possibly replacing the left side launcher with something a little different as an ammo bin.
Any pics or ideas?