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Author Topic: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps  (Read 6910 times)


  • Pontificus Rex
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Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« on: July 22, 2022, 10:09:47 PM »

Norrbotten Lance will attempt to add Omnipod capacity to the following:

5x DHS
2x LPL

5x DHS

Veteran Tech assigned to this task.
5x DHS

Base time 270 EA, +2 Base - 3 quad time TN5 each attempt takes 2 days.  Each one is 1500CB

Veteran tech will attempt to pod 2x LPL.  Each attempt 3 days.
360 minutes EA, +2 Base -3 quad time TN5, EA 43750 CB

Veteran tech attempts to pod out 3x MPL
Each attempt will take 3 days.
360 minutes EA, +2 Base -3 quad time TN5, EA 15000CBills

One failure, attempt again

155K Cbills total.

*+2 Tech roll modifier (may be modified by Extra Time or Rush Job)
**360 total minutes of Tech time for a Weapon (may be modified by Extra Time or Rush Job)
**270 minutes of Tech time for a piece of non-Weapon Equipment (may be modified by Extra Time or Rush Job)
**REQUIRES a Basic Facility, and the Maintenance Bay Location Bonus to Tech rolls does not apply
**A number of C-bills equal to 1/4th the cost of the weapon or equipment being made Pod-capable


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2022, 11:05:00 PM »

Any tech is removing the ammo from the omnipod bins.

Veteran Tech assigned to the following once on planet

Sunder, Pod Swap.

veteran tech assigned:

5 sections are being worked.  LA GR removed, LRM5s removed.  Ammo LRM5 removed.  Added are 2 LPL in the left arm, MPL in HD, LT, RT.  Added 5 DHS across the chassis

Class B work.  Maintenance Facility

  30 minutes * 5 = 150 minutes * 3) 450 minutes
Base TN6 - ( -4 Omni + 3 Base Multiplier -2 triple time) TN3
3 days of work.

Rolled 2d6 : 5, 1, total 6



  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2022, 11:05:22 PM »

Work Complete.  Sunder Gemini avaibable.


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2022, 11:30:30 PM »

ARGH refresh ate the reply.  Spartan CT IS repaired on a 6 by Hartnell 7/1

7/1 Hartnell attempts to repair Spartan Kenton Engine Crit
Base TN9 - Facility -2 Custom +1 engine +0 -3 quad time = 400 min TN 6
Rolls 8 repaired EOD 7/1

Hartnell Attempts to Repair 38pt CT Armor
Base TN9 +1 CUS -1 ARM -2 FAC -1 Double Time - 760 minutes TN6
Rolls 10.  Done 7/3 EOD

Hartnell assigned to repair 14PT LL ARM
Base TN9 +1 CUS -1 ARM -2 TT TN5 time full day
7 repaired

7/5 16 points RL Spartan
Base TN9 +1 CUS -1 ARM -2 TT TN5 time full day
Rolls 7

7/6 - 5 points LT Repair
Base TN9 -1 ARM +1 CUS -2 FAC -2 TT TN 5
Rolls 7 150 minutes

7/6 - 6 points LT Repair
Base TN9 -1 ARM +1 CUS -2 FAC -2 TT TN 5
Rolls 8 180 minutes

7/7 - 12pt repair LA
Base TN9 -1 ARM +1 CUS -2 FAC -3 QT TN 4
Rolled 4

12pt repair RA
Base TN9 -1 ARM +1 CUS -2 FAC -3 QT TN 4
Rolled 9

Spartan repaired 7/8 EOD

5 points each side torso
Hartnell assigned to repair Archer 2K Armor RT
Base TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC -2 triple time 150 mins TN4 rolled 8

Hartnell assigned to repair Archer 2K Armor LT
Base TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC -2 triple time 150 mins TN4 rolled 9


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2022, 10:25:53 PM »

"Norrbotten lance, much like Skaraborg of the 1st Regiment, has wound up a home for those who don't have a place to call home.  The lance uses a modified version of the FRR's First Drakons regiment - light blue on the torsos, upper legs and upper body, with light grey on the lower limbs.  The lance members are allowed to add a color of their home planets flag to their left shoulder.  The Spartan retains the paint colors of the first regiment"


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2022, 11:48:52 PM »

7/1 Norbotten lance will perform a pod swap

Remove 1x LPL
Add: 3x LRM5, LRM5Ammo.

Type C refit
(adding equipment to locations without them before)
Base time 30min * 4 locations (pod swaps) 120 minutes x5 C type
Tech Vaslivesky assigned to job
Base TN6 - 2 facility -4 Omnipod swap +3 Class C TN3

Rolled 2d6 : 1, 4, total 5



  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2022, 11:54:27 PM »


Field Pod Swap

Removing remaining LPL in LA, adding ERPPC

Type B/Field pod swap
Veteran Tech Vaslivesky:
Base TN6 - 4 pod swap +2 Field Conditions +3 Refit Type -3 quad time = TN4
Time is 30 minutes * 2 * 4 = 240 min

Rolled 2d6 : 3, 4, total 7


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2022, 09:57:10 PM »


Nottbotten removes ARC-2K Archer

WHM-7S Warhammer
MAL-1C Mauler.

Pilots Nillson and Hunter at 4 wounds each.

Major injury check
Rolled 1d6 : 3, total 3

Rolled 1d6 : 6, total 6



  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2022, 09:58:28 PM »

Hunter has a Major Injury.

Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2022, 09:59:16 PM »

Hunter has a Major Injury.

This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 1d6 : 1, total 1

1: Major Broken Limb: No piloting for 3 weeks. If you do, mark off 1 "virtual" hit at the start of the game, which also
count for additional major injury checks


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2022, 01:24:13 PM »

Dr WhatsHisName will attempt to heal Nillson and Hunter

Nillson 2d6 TN5: rolled 9
Hunter 2d6 Rolled 5

both healed to 3 injuries

Nillson rolls 5 heals to 2 injuries
Hunter rolls 10 heals to injuries


Nillson rolls 5 heals to 2 injuries
Hunter rolls 10 heals to injuries

Nillson rolls 5 heals to one injury
Hunter rolls 7 heals to one injury

Nillson rolls 7 heals to full
Hunter rolls 7 heals to full.


  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2022, 12:10:46 AM »


Green tech Hartnell assigned to strip armor from Thunderbolt 9S
removing 1pt CT ARM
Base TN9 - 1 ARM -2 FAC -1 DT TN5 10 complete
20 min
Green tech Harnell assigned to strip armor from Thunderbolt 9S
Removing 8pt CTR ARM
Base TN9 - 1 ARM -2 FAC -1 DT TN5 10 complete
160 min
Removing LTR armor 6pt
Base TN9 - 1 ARM -2 FAC -1 DT TN5 4 fail needs regular tech

Removing LA ARM
Base TN9 - 1 ARM -2 FAC  TN6 5 fail

Regular tech WhatsErName removing LRT ARM 6pt
Bse TN7 -1 ARM -2 FAC -1 DT 10 complete
120 min

Regular tech removing LA ARM 12 points
Bse TN7 -1 ARM -2 FAC -1 DT TN3 5 complete

Green tech hartnell assigned to strip armor from Thunderbolt 9S
22 ARM from LT
Base TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC -1 DT TN5 rolled 5 good 22 ARM removed
Day complete.

Removing ARM from Thunderbolt LL 27 pt
Green tech assigned, 540 minutes
Base TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC -1 DT TN5 11

9/2 Removing ARM from TB RL 18pt
Base TN9 -1 FAC -2 ARM -1 DT TN 5 rolled 7

Added 94 ARM to inventory



  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2022, 01:06:16 AM »

Norrbotten lance repairs Warhammer 7S

Repairing IS on RA - 25%
Base TN9 -2 FAC +0 -2 TT TN5 rolls 5 repairs
270 min

Repairing IS on CT - 25%
Base TN9 -2 FAC +0 -1 DT TN6 rolls 9 repairs

Green Tech Hartnell assigned to repair RA ARM
Base 9 -1 ARM -2 FAC -1 DT 400 min TN5 11 repaired

17 ARM 340 min
Base TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -1 DT TN5 5 repaired

Repairing ARM on RTR
Repairing Warhammer 7S RT IS - 50%
Base TN9 -2 FAC +1 DMG -2 TT TN6 rolled 8 repaired

Replacing armor on RT
Base TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -1 DT TN5 5 repaired
Repairing arm on RTR
Base TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM  TN6 6 repaired

RT repaired

Repairing CTR ARM 9PT
B9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -2 TT 270 MIN TN4 10 repaired
Repairing CTF ARM 5PT
B9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -2 TT 150min TN 4 6 repaired.

repairing 2 PT ARM LL
B9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -2 TT 60 min tn 4 4 repaired


Green tech assigned to install new RL Mauler
Base TN9 -2 FAC +4 type -3 QT TN 8 failed EOD 9/22

9/22 regular tech assigned same task
Base TN7 -2 FAC +4 type -3 QT TN 6 failed EOD 9/22 rolled 7 installed EOD 9/24

9/23 green tech assigned to install new LT on Mauler
Base TN9 -2 FAC +4 type -3 QT TN 8 rolled 6  EOD 9/25

9/25 regular tech assiged to install new LT on Mauler
Base TN7 -2 FAC +4 type -3 QT TN 6 rolled 7  EOD 9/27

Green tech assigned to install new ULA on new leg
Base TN9 -2 FAC -2 actuator -1 DT TN 4 180 min 9 installed

Green tech assigned to install new LLA on new leg
Base TN9 -2 FAC -2 actuator -1 DT TN 4 180 min 9 installed

Green tech assigned to install new foot on new leg
Base TN9 -2 FAC -2 actuator -1 DT TN 4 180 min 8 installed
Green tech assigned to install new LA on Mauler
Base TN9 -2 FAC +4 sec -3 QT TN 8 TN 9 installed EOD 9/28

Regular tech repairing LT engine damage on Mauler
TN7 -2 FAC +3 DG -3 QT 1200 min tn5 rolled 11 EOD 9/28

Green tech installing actuators on new LA
B9 -2 FAC -2 ACU -1 DT TN4 6 180 min ULA
B9 -2 FAC -2 ACU -1 DT TN4 11 180 min LLA

green tech attempting to install new LRM15 on LT
Base TN9 -2 FAC +1 WPN -3 WT 480 min TN 5 5 installed EOD 9/29

Regular tech installing AC2 on LT
Base TN7 -2 FAC +1 WPN -1 DT TN6 8 installed

Regular tech installing AC2 on LT
Base TN7 -2 FAC +1 WPN -1 DT TN6 9 installed


Green tech assigned to install CASE on LT
Base TN9 -2 FAC +1 WPN -3 WT 480 min TN 5 3 failed EOD 9/30

Regulat tech assigned to install LRM15x2 ammo LT
Base TN7 -2 FAC +1 WPN -1 DT TN6 6 installed
Base TN7 -2 FAC +1 WPN -1 DT TN6 4 fail

veteran tech assigned to nstall LRM15 ammo LT
Base TN6 -2 FAC +1 WPN -3 QT TN Not Fail 4 passes


Green tech assigned to install CASE LT
B9 -2 FAC +1 WPN -3 QT TN6 480 min 7 installed

Regular tech assigned to install C3S LT
B7 -2 FAC +1 WPN -3 QT TN 4 8 installed EOD

Green tech installing DHS on Mauler LA
TN9 -2 FAC -1 HS -1 DT TN5 180 min 3 fail

green tech installing ERL on LA
TN9 -2 FAC +1 WPN -1 DT TN7 3 failed

regular tech assigned to install DHS on LA
TN7 -2 FAC -1 HS -1 DT TN3 180 min 6 passed

regular tech assigned to install ERL on LA
TN7 -2 FAC +1 WPN -1 DT TN5 5 installed 240min

Rearmoring effort on Mauler
green tech assigned
Left leg, 22 pt
TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -1 DT TN5 5 repaired 1 day

TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -1 DT TN5 8 repaired 1 day



  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2022, 11:04:21 AM »

10/5 armor repairs
LTF - 26 points
Green tech assigned
TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC TN6 7 repaired 260 minutes
LTR armor repairs,
TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC TN6 5 failed Reg tech required

10/5 Regular tech assigned to LTR Armor same modifiers 7 repaired.

16 points on CTF ARM/green
TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC TN6 160 minutes 6 repaired
10 points CTR
TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC TN6 100 minutes 7 repaired
Repairing RTF ARM 24 pt
TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC TN6 100 minutes 7 repaired EOD 10/7

10/7 repairing Mauler RA ARM
TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC TN6 100 minutes  repaired EOD 10/7
 MAL1r 1 pt head
TN9 -1 ARM -2 FAC TN6 10 minutes fail regular tech required
10/7 regular tech 1 point armor repaired.

10/7 sellling mauler.  Price of 9.381.900 + sale

Rolled 2d6 : 3, 3, total 6



  • Pontificus Rex
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Re: Norrbotten Lance Reapirs/Mods/Pod Swaps
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2022, 11:48:54 PM »

Warhammer 7s Repairs:
Green tech assigned to putting the right leg back on the Warhammer
Base TN-9 -2 FAC +4 DMG -3 QT 4 days EOD 10/9 TN8 11 iinstalled

Regular tech assigned to putting the LT back on the Warhammer
Base TN7  -2 FAC +4 DMG -3 QT 4 days EOD 10/9 TN6 3 fails

10/10 veteran tech assigned to install LT on Warhammer
Base TN6  -2 FAC +4 DMG -3 QT 4 days EOD 10/13 TN5 8 successful

green tech Installs actuators on leg.  All numbers the same
Base TN9 -2 FAC -2 acutator TN5
ULA 8 installed
LLA 4 failed
foot 4 failed

Green tech assigned to repair 15pt ARM same leg
Base TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM TN6 7 repaired

Veteran tech assigned to attempt same install 10/13
Base TN6 -2 FAC -2 acutator TN3
LLA 9 sucessful
foot 9 successful

180 minutes

Regular tech assigned to reinstall LA on Warhammer
Base TN7 -2 FAC -3 QT +4 DMG TN6 EOD 10/16 6 installed
Green tech assigned to install DHS on LT x3 90 min each
Base TN9 -2 FAC -1 HS TN6
Green tech assigned to install 8 points LTR
Base TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -1 DT TN5 9 installed

Green tech assigned to install armor on LT
Base TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -1 DT TN5 340 min 7 installed

Green tech assigned to repair armor on reattached LA 16pt
Base TN9 -2 FAC -1 ARM -1 DT TN5 7 installed

Regular tech assigned to install Weapons on LT
Base TN7 -2 FAC +1 WPN -1 DT TN5
SRM2 11
SL 4

Veteran tech assinged to install SL on LT
Base TN6 -2 FAC -2 TT +1 WPN TN3 8 installed

Warhammer repairs complete.

Selling Warhammer - 6,485,783 /2 +

Rolled 2d6 : 4, 2, total 6
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