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Author Topic: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060  (Read 671 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« on: August 26, 2024, 01:23:49 AM »

This is a TRAINING assignment Lance.  Therefore, the following special rules will automatically apply to all Ranger Mechs in the scenario, and all Allied Mechs in the scenario which are listed individually in the win condition box. 

1) The first ton of ammo for each weapon on your Mech is Training ammo; it has no effect and explodes as though it's MG ammo (2 points/round).  So a mech with an AC/2 (2 tons ammo) and an LRM 10 (1 ton of ammo) has 1 ton each of Training ammo, and 1 ton of usable AC/2 ammo.  Training Ammo which explodes does NOT trigger auto-ejection mechanisms.

2) Energy weapons are powered down.  Turning on your Mech's energy weapons requires a full Fire and Physical Attack phase, in which your Mech either stood still or expended only Walking MP, and in which no weapon or physical attacks may be declared (this also disallows physical attacks declared in the Movement Phase).  Activating energy weapons requires a Piloting Skill Roll with a modifier of +4 (stood still) or +5 (Walked), resolved during the End Phase of the turn.  No modifiers affect this roll, including component damage and weather. Edge may be spent on this roll.  Each unit gets one free roll prior to the game to activate their energy weapons, representing realizing the approach of enemy forces prior to those forces entering the board.



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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2024, 02:52:49 AM »

For clarity, does the 1 ton of training gauss ammo also explode considering gauss ammo does not normally explode at all?

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2024, 05:11:04 AM »

For clarity, does the 1 ton of training gauss ammo also explode considering gauss ammo does not normally explode at all?

No, obviously.  No type of gauss ammo is ever explosive.


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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2024, 11:22:38 AM »

Go ahead and generate as is, thank you


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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2024, 11:43:26 AM »

Salvage Sheet

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2024, 05:40:24 PM »

Go ahead and generate as is, thank you

Sorry, evidently I'm being dragged to inlaws for Labor Day weekend instead of getting to have a fun or relaxing time.  This is bare bones b/c I'm in a hurry.

Maps (all turned so that long edge is north/south)
Desert 2 (logo east).........Desert Hills (logo west)
Desert 3 (logo east)........Desert Mountain 2 (logo east)

Ranger Forces:  Deploys first.  All Ranger and Lyran units deploy within 4 hexes of the south map edge.  Both Phoenix Hawks, the Shadow Hawk, and all Ranger units deploy with Training ammo loaded in the first ton of each ammo-using weapon, and with energy weapons powered down.

Wolf OPFOR:  Wolf units enter the map on their initiative on Turn 1 along the north map edge.

Environmental Conditions
Pitch Black - see TacOps
 All Units: Apply a +4 to-hit modifier to all weapon attacks and
a +2 to-hit modifier to all physical attacks.
 Heat: For every 10 points of heat on a target unit that tracks
heat, apply a –1 to-hit modifier to any weapon attacks; conven
tional infantry ignore this modifier.
 Searchlights: When targeting units illuminated by an active
searchlight, modify the +4 to-hit modifier to a +1 modifier (physi
cal attacks against units illuminated by a searchlight ignore the +2
modifier); any weapon or physical attacks against units equipped
with an active searchlight reduce the weapon attack modifier to
+1, while completely eliminating the physical attack modifiers.

Battlefield Support
No BSP is available for this scenario.

Victory Conditions
1) Destroy, force the withdrawal of, or render incapable of spending MP, 5 total units from the OPFOR Force.  An Elemental Point is considered destroyed when it has lost 4 suits.
2) End the game with at least 2 of "both Phoenix Hawks, Shadow Hawk" still capable of spending MP and on-map

1) Destroy, or render incapable of spending MP, at least 5 defending units in any mixture
2) Destroy, or render incapable of spending MP, any two of either Phoenix Hawk and the Shadow Hawk.

1) Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn.  Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environmental MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it). 

2) OPFOR MechWarriors will ignore any ejected Ranger or Allied MechWarriors in this scenario.  This applies unless a Ranger or Allied BattleMech pilot has scored at least 2 kills during this scenario and has THEN ejected; in which case the Wolf forces will attempt to capture the pilot, unless another hostile target in LOF is equally as close (or closer) than the ejected MechWarrior, or the Ranger BattleMech target is within 8 hexes and subject to a valid LOF in any case.

3) Each time an Allied Mech is destroyed or its pilot killed, the other Allied units WHICH DO NOT HAVE ACTIVE WEAPONS (ie, haven't turned on their energy weapons or which only have training ammo available) may flee.  The Local CO must make a Leadership check TN 8 (+1 for every Allied unit destroyed) during the End Phase of the turn in which the Allied unit was destroyed.  The Local CO's Leadership bonus applies to this roll, and the CO may spend Edge. If the Local CO is disabled or killed, his replacement must make checks, beginning at TN 9 (+1 increasing as normal). If this check fails, during the following turn, Allied units MUST move towards the closest board edge, unless that movement would put them within 5 hexes of a Clan unit (in which case they move along the edge of that zone to the best of their ability).  The Local CO may make additional checks in future End Phases to "rally" the Allied units, but failing 3 checks in a row, or the Local CO's Mech being disabled/killed while the Allies are in the "fleeing" state, indicates they will not stop under any conditions.  Fleeing Allied units will exit the board once they reach the board edge.

4) Wolf Clan Mechwarriors will not ordinarily use zellbringen, though they will not make physical attacks (they may use the Dodge SPA).  As a GUIDELINE, Wolf Warriors will not combine fire from more than 2 Mechs on a single target, including if only a single target is viable during a turn. Only Wolf Clan MechWarriors with a Bloodname have the option to ask for duels, and will only make a duel challenge against an enemy MechWarrior who has scored at least 1 kill during the game, and who is within their LOF at the beginning of weapons fire.  The primary exception to the prohibition on combining fire is if a duel is broken via use of combined attacks by Ranger players (example below).  In that case, Wolf Clan Mechwarriors will combine fire to the best of their ability on the interfering unit.  Finally, a Ranger player who wins a duel with a Bloodnamed Clan MechWarrior gains +1 bonus XP for the victory.
Example: Star Commander Olivia Kerensky is dueling a Ranger Marauder.  While she is dueling that Mech, other Wolf forces may not fire on the Marauder.  During the duel, a Ranger Panther fires at Olivia's Mech.  The turn after the breach of the duel, ALL Wolf Mechs, to the best of the abilities of the players controlling them, should attempt to combine fire on the Panther with poor decision-making capabilities.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 06:25:26 AM by deadlyfire2345 »


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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2024, 11:25:15 PM »

I'll be getting the SPAs for this one please

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2024, 07:59:55 PM »

I'll be getting the SPAs for this one please

SPAs sent.  Sorry about the delay.


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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2024, 01:28:47 PM »

Decisive Paladin Victory, AAR to follow
Paladin lance brought out a squad of Lyran recruits out for maneuverability testing in the desert where them falling over wouldn't hurt too much or damage any civilians in the pitch black conditions, having equipped a pair of headlights into the KU for helping lead the way out to the desert and back home. Sadly we came across a moderately heavy star of clan mechs with a suite of elementals interrupting our exercise! Thankfully it seems the Clan star wasn't prepared for the low light conditions, having brought no searchlights nor any mechs with 2 full hands able to bring a handheld one, and thus the only mech on the field with visibility control is our KU piloted by Jessica Moon. Initially upon seeing the enemy approach, Paladin's KU and Lynx were able to power up their energy weapons, but the Marauder lagged behind on bringing the Clan Large Pulses back online for a couple turns, we will blame it on Garcia being new to assault mech piloting. And London Ren has never been happier to have the redundancy of 3 tons of gauss ammo, allowing her to reign fire for all 7 turns of the skirmish, knocking down the Pouncer and eventually sending the pilot unconscious on turn 2 after a bit of flailing on movement phase thanks to a lucky gyro crit, and generally cracking armor on the clan star throughout the battle. The 2 allied PHawks and shadow hawk were having trouble getting their energy weapons online, so they hid prone behind the hill at the south of the map for a few turns getting their bearings and staying safe from danger.
Generally the unprepared clan force was having horrendous luck getting damage off in the dark, but for one turn where Jessica incidentally flagged one of the Ostols while illuminating the gargoyle to let the unit collapse on it, but thankfully despite the turn of somewhat concentrated clan fire, the Ostol was able to retreat and be backed up by the PHawks and Shadow Hawk once they had finally gotten their weapons online and moved to join the battle. The clan strategy was focused around ensuring good vision on our KU, in hopes to destroy our searchlight unit and evening the playing field but after the ostol was flagged seemed to be to destroy the Ostol in so convincing a fashion as to shake the morale of our comrades and send them scattering, allowing them to fight the Paladins with the numbers advantage. After a lengthy approach, the command console pilot Garcia switched places with Seraphina as she is much stronger in melee and was able to double leg the Ebon jaguar, as well as leg the Mad Cat, and was later able to crit out the engine of the Mad Cat when it couldn't make any more headway towards our allies, recovering the pilot in the following turn. In the middle of it all the squad leader of the Lyran group, a veritable black knight pilot, had himself a bit of a dual with the Clan Fenris, though not an officially sanctioned one, they both seemed content to stand 30 meters from each other trading blows until the Black Knight emerged victorious, and our XO in the Lynx swooped by to retrieve the pilot, finishing off the Pouncer who had regained consciousness, but then ran and fell on his face again in the same turn, granting an easy execution. The scenario ended rather anticlimactically when the entire paladin group targeted down the Elemental group who fell from the Mad Cat in order to end the scenario before the Ostol could be lost, with a stellar shot from the famously far sighted London Ren into the group at only 150 meters took down the 4th suit necessary to consider them combat ineffective. Thus rendering 5 units (Fenris, Ebon Jag, Mad Cat, Pouncer, and Elemental Squad 4) mission kills and a decisive Paladin Victory
No losses, minimal repairs needed, fully mission capable by Nov 26
Salvage taken:
Mad Cat
Ebon Jaguar (donated to unit)
Captured Pilots
George (0/1) Marksman Maneuvering Ace Edg 1 (intent to recruit)
Mitchell (4/3) Speed Demon Eagle Eyes Human TRO (intent to Ransom)
« Last Edit: September 06, 2024, 06:23:57 PM by ADHDtv »


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Re: Sapphire Solo - Paladin Lance - 11/18/3060
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2024, 01:52:57 PM »

Salvage pickup:
Mad Cat
Ebon Jaguar (Donated to unit)
Total Remaining: 3,371,396