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Author Topic: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061  (Read 944 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« on: September 22, 2024, 04:00:57 PM »

This is a fixed map mission, for reasons which should be obvious once you look at the force lists.


Darrian Wolffe

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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2024, 04:02:59 PM »

Base Map Layout, before any deployment markings.

Maps are:
Tukayyid Pozoristu Mountains....Grasslands 2
Tukayyid Drop Zone.................Open Terrain 3
Tukayyid Lake Losiije...............Coast 2



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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2024, 04:24:36 PM »

Salvage sheet done.

Send me SPAs since I have been in 3 games and do not really want to be in a 4th.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2024, 05:10:53 PM by deadlyfire2345 »


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2024, 04:30:27 PM »

Is it dawn or dusk?  If dawn, generate.  If dusk, reroll light and generate.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2024, 04:22:01 AM »



Tukayyid Pozoristu Mountains....Grasslands 2
Tukayyid Drop Zone.................Open Terrain 3
Tukayyid Lake Losiije...............Coast 2

Attached Allies: Enter the board on their initiative on Turn 1 into the same deployment zone as the Local CO

Lyran Alliance Forces: Enter the board on their initiative on Turn 1 through its choice of Zones E1, E2, E3, or E4.

Ranger Forces:  Each deployed lance enters the board on their initiative on Turn 1 through Zones R1, R2, R3, or R4.  Only 1 lance may enter through any single Zone.  Up to one (1) lance MAY deploy through their choice of Zones E1, E2, E3, or E4, but this lance may not enter through a Zone used by the Lyran Alliance Lance.

Wolf Primary OPFOR:  All Wolf forces deploy first. One Star (5 Mechs) deploys into any 1 each of Zones Red W, X, Y, and Z.  Elemental Star may either deploy into any Red Zone exactly as they were a Mech Star, and may stack in that Zone with a pre-existing Mech Star, OR they may begin the game riding any Mech star which can transport 5 Elemental Points.  All points must deploy either on a Mech, or dismounted.

Wolf OPFOR #2 Compulsory Deployment: Deploy 1 DropShip onto Hex D1, and the Lion-class DropShip onto Hex D3.  The third DropShip may deploy onto either Hex D2 or D4.  1 Recovery Vehicle must deploy adjacent to each DropShip. 

Wolf OPFOR #2 Flexible Deployment: Deploy the 4 Burro Trucks anywhere desired on the Drop Zone mapsheet, but not adjacent to any DropShip, and not stacked with any other unit (including other Trucks).  Deploy the Tactical Command Post and the Mobile Field Base into either of Zone F2-1 or F2-2.  Deploy the LoaderMech and the Jifty into the other of Zone F2-1 or F2-2.  The Vixen and Elemental Points may deploy anywhere desired onto either the Drop Zone or Lake Losjie maps, as long as they do not stack with any other deployed unit, and do not deploy in someone else's deployment zone (ie, the Vixen couldn't deploy into Zone Red W).

Ranger Reinforcements: Rangers may deploy a single lance of reinforcements.  Prior to deployment, the reinforcing player must commit to entering via Zones RR-1, RR-2, or any E Zone which has not been used by another force.  This decision is written down and revealed on the turn the reinforcements enter.  If we determine that we will have more than 12 total players, a 2nd lance of reinforcements may be deployed using the same deployment guidelines, and some additional Clan units may be added.

Wolf Reinforcements: Wolf Reinforcements will enter via the west edge of the Drop Zone mapsheet on their initiative on their designated turn.

Environmental Conditions
Poorly designed maps 1: The half-hexes between the Lake Losjie (hexrows 0417-2017) and the Drop Zone mapsheets are considered to be Level 2, clear, hexes..  The half-hexes between the Lake Losjie (hexrows 2417-3117) are considered to be Level 3, clear, hexes. 

Poorly designed maps 2: The half-hexes between the Pozoristu Mountainsand the Drop Zone mapsheets are considered to be Level 3, clear, hexes.

(Whomever decided that the entire Drop Zone map needed to be Level 4+ terrain needs to be slapped with a frozen mackrel.)

Battlefield Support
Neither side has BSP in this scenario. Clans don't use minefields. Ranger artillery is forbidden via their employer (see Misc #7, below).  Clan ASFs are holding the air escape corridor open, and Ranger ASFs are keeping the sky clear because they are legal targets for *ALL* DropShips to combine fire on during liftoff procedures.  Ranger forces MAY employ on-board artillery if any is assigned to the local CO, keeping in mind the proviso regarding Miscellaneous #7.

Victory Conditions
1) Prevent the escape of as many DropShips as possible.
2) Destroy, or render incapable of spending MP, at least 10 points of Clan Wolf BattleMechs, OmniMechs, and Elementals** from Wolf Primary OPFOR, and at least 6 non-DropShip units from Wolf OPFOR #2.
3) End the game with at least 1 attached allied unit still on board and capable of spending MP, and suffer no more than 2 Ereschuld Lance Mechs incapable of spending MP.
**Reminder that Elemental Points are considered "destroyed" for purposes of scoring when they have lost 4 or more suits.

1) Escape with as many DropShip as possible.
2) Successfully evacuate at least 2 of: Jifty Mobile Repair Base, Dunning Mobile HQ, Weyland Mobile Field Base.  Evacuate one of Inam Ward or Adaira Hawker (note that only the person needs be evacuated, not their Mech).
3) Destroy, or render incapable of spending MP, all Lyran units on the table.


1) Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn.  Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environmental MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it). 

2) OPFOR MechWarriors will attempt to capture any ejected Ranger or Allied MechWarriors in this scenario, unless another hostile target in LOF is equally as close (or closer) than the ejected MechWarrior, or the Ranger BattleMech target is within 8 hexes and subject to a valid LOF in any case.

3) Each time an Allied Mech named in the mission objectives (Wolverine, Shadow Hawk, Griffin) is destroyed or its pilot killed, the other named Allied units may flee.  The Local CO must make a Leadership check TN 8 (+1 for every total Allied unit destroyed) during the End Phase of the turn in which the Allied unit was destroyed.  The Local CO's Leadership bonus applies to this roll, and the CO may spend Edge. If the Local CO is disabled or killed, his replacement must make checks, beginning at TN 9 (+1 increasing as normal). If this check fails, during the following turn, Allied units MUST move towards the closest board edge, unless that movement would put them within 5 hexes of a Clan unit (in which case they move along the edge of that zone to the best of their ability).  The Local CO may make additional checks in future End Phases to "rally" the Allied units, but failing 3 checks in a row, or the Local CO's Mech being disabled/killed while the Allies are in the "fleeing" state, indicates they will not stop under any conditions.  Fleeing Allied units will exit the board once they reach the board edge.

4) Wolf Clan Mechwarriors will not ordinarily use zellbringen, though they will not make physical attacks (they may use the Dodge SPA).  As a GUIDELINE, Wolf Warriors will not combine fire from more than 2 Mechs on a single target, including if only a single target is viable during a turn. WOLF CLAN FORCES FROM THE SAME STAR MAY COMBINE FIRE AT WILL DURING THIS MISSION. Only Wolf Clan MechWarriors with a Bloodname have the option to ask for duels, and will only make a duel challenge against an enemy MechWarrior who has scored at least 1 kill during the game, and who is within their LOF at the beginning of weapons fire.  The primary exception to the prohibition on combining fire is if a duel is broken via use of combined attacks by Ranger players (example below).  In that case, Wolf Clan Mechwarriors will combine fire to the best of their ability on the interfering unit.  Finally, a Ranger player who wins a duel with a Bloodnamed Clan MechWarrior gains +1 bonus XP for the victory.
Example: Star Commander Olivia Kerensky is dueling a Ranger Marauder.  While she is dueling that Mech, other Wolf forces may not fire on the Marauder.  During the duel, a Ranger Panther fires at Olivia's Mech.  The turn after the breach of the duel, ALL Wolf Mechs, to the best of the abilities of the players controlling them, should attempt to combine fire on the Panther with poor decision-making capabilities.

5) DropShip Loading.  To board a DropShip, a unit must move adjacent to that DropShip, and spend 3 Cruising MP to enter the DropShip.  Units being loaded are being loaded as cargo, and therefore only a single unit may be loaded per turn.  Once a unit has been loaded, it is removed from play and is no longer subject to attacks.  Note that the vehicular units in OPFOR Force #2 may only board the Lion-class DropShip.  Regardless of the presence of doors, ejecting from a Mech into a hex containing a DropShip results in the death of the ejectee.  Bloodnamed Clan MechWarriors will not attempt to evacuate unless they have scored at least 1 kill, or they have lost all armor in at least 2 locations.

6) DropShip powerup.  The Recovery Vehicles adjacent to the DropShips are acting as DropShip Auxillary Power Units (from their cargo space).  Each DropShip will be considered "ready for takeoff" after 2+2d4 turns have passed (determined prior to game by GM; this will become private information for Clan players).  If an APU is destroyed during this time (or its cargo suffers a critical hit), the adjacent DropShip will not be able to take off.  APU Crews will NOT abandon their vehicle under any conditions.

7) DropShip weapons fire.  As per Zellbringen, DropShips will not fire unless fired upon, in which case, the full firepower of the DropShip may freely target the unit which hit it. If any DropShip is damaged by any artillery or area-effect weapon, ALL DropShips may begin freely firing any weapons at any desired Ranger or Lyran targets. This is partially, incidentally, why artillery and air attacks are not allowed; nobody wants to accidentally piss off the DropShip with a misfired artillery round or bomb.

8.) DropShip takeoff.  Once a DropShip is ready for takeoff, and it has finished loading desired units, it may choose to take off.  This is an End Phase declaration.  The following turn, the DropShip powers its engines during the Movement Phase.  It will take off - using standard rules, including Drive Plume damage - in the turn after THAT, assuming it has not been disabled by weapons fire in the intervening turn.  Therefore, a DropShip which decides to take off in the End Phase of Turn 7, will lift off in the Movement Phase of Turn 9.

9) Screening.  Ranger and Lyran units may not fire at a Recovery Vehicle if there is an active Clan BattleMech or OmniMech unit which is both closer to the firing unit than the Recovery Vehicle, AND sits astride a direct line (+/- 1 hex) between the firing unit and the Recovery Vehicle.  Basically, assume that you need to engage the unit which actually presents a threat to you if it's between you and the vehicle.  Relative Elevation has no effect on this determination. If the two units are equally close, you must engage the Mech unit with weapons fire, but may choose to melee the APU if adjacent.

10) Hidden instructions.  Wolf Clan players will receive a private instruction packet prior to the game, after their unit deployment.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2024, 04:24:01 AM »

If dusk, reroll light and generate.

Rerolled, incidentally. It's Daylight, so no environmental condition.

Also, *sigh*, for reasons of attendance, you can replace Zeta Lance with another Charlie Company lance of your choice.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2024, 07:31:37 PM »

Minis Call

Shadow Hawk - Rob
Griffin - Rob
Wolverine - Rob

Zeus - Rob
Black Knight - Rob
Longbow - Rob
Penetrator - Rob

LRM Turret - Rob
LRM Turret - Rob
LPL Turret
LPL Turret
MPL Turret
MPL Turret

Savage Coyote
Mad Cat - Rob
Man O War - Rob
Mad Cat - Rob
Linebacker - Rob

Black Hawk - Rob
Fenris - Rob
Fenris - Rob
Pouncer - Rob
Dragonfly - Rob

Koshi - Rob
Dasher - Rob
Puma - Paul
Ryoken - Rob
Hankyu - Rob
x5 Elemental Points - Rob

Hunchback IIC - Rob
Kingfisher - Rob
Crusader - Rob
Cauldron-born - Rob
Behemoth - Rob

Lion - Rob
Union - Rob
Union - Rob
Mobile HQ
x4 Cargo Truck
x3 Recovery Vehicle
Mobile Field Base
Jifty JI-50
Powerman - Rob
Vixen - Rob
x5 Elemental Points - Rob

Shadow Cat - Paul
Hellhound - Rob
Vulture - Rob
Thor - Paul
Night Hawk

« Last Edit: October 14, 2024, 12:32:41 AM by Darrian Wolffe »


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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2024, 07:56:54 PM »

I have a thor shadowcat adder in grey same as last times paint scheme

Dan should have some of the vehicles or good enough proxy for at least the recovery vehicles or mfb

I have some turrets that should work.

We should have a mobile hq someplace.

Die Clanner!!!!

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2024, 08:02:15 PM »

Yeah, this is first pass.  Most of my combat vehicles are still in a box *somewhere*.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2024, 01:26:34 PM »

Ok, Charlie Company replacement for Zeta - Blitzkrieg.

Reinforcements: Paladin

Welcome aboard, gentlemen.  On to victory!

Ad Hoc

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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #10 on: October 08, 2024, 05:02:29 PM »

Is there a possibility to have an early start time for this game?

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2024, 06:45:02 PM »

Is there a possibility to have an early start time for this game?

The answer is yes.  Please arrive as close to 9am as possible.  Getting there earlier isn't going to help much, because I won't be rolling out of bed at their place until 830.

D&D players, we will have a hard stop time of 11:30 Friday evening, and a soft targeted stop of 11.


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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2024, 07:35:44 AM »

I have a shadow cat in snow raven
Both the Puma and Thor are JF green.


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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2024, 07:24:08 PM »

Sheets printed and pilot info on all.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: SAPPHIRE Mission 5 - 1/1/3061
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2024, 12:33:07 AM »

I have a shadow cat in snow raven
Both the Puma and Thor are JF green.

Got it.

Another bump for minis call.  I know that there's people with those units out there somewhere.
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