Barren lands 2.............Desert 2
Desert 3......................Classic BT
DeploymentFalcon Primary OPFOR: Enter the board on the South board edge on their initiative on Turn 1.
Falcon OPFOR Reinforcements: Enter the board on the South board edge on their initiative on Turn 9.
Ranger Forces: Deploy within 3 hexes of the north board edge.
Environmental ConditionsNone
Battlefield SupportNone
Victory ConditionsRangers1) Destroy, force the withdrawal of, or render incapable of spending MP, 3 total units from the Primary OPFOR Force
2) Suffer no more than 2 mechs rendered incapable of spending MP, including the liaison.
OPFOR1) Destroy, or render incapable of spending MP, at least 3 Ranger units, including the liaison.
2) Suffer fewer than 4 Mechs in the primary OPFOR destroyed or rendered incapable of spending MP
1) Exiting the battlefield requires a unit to remain stationary at the board edge for 1 turn. Only a single spent MP is required to move offboard (ie, the environmental MP penalties doesn't apply; or, more specifically, the Minimum Movement rule overrides it).
2) OPFOR MechWarriors will ignore any ejected Ranger or Allied MechWarriors in this scenario.
3) Jade Falcon Clan Mechwarriors will not use zellbringen when targeting mercenaries, though they will not make physical attacks (they may use the Dodge SPA). They will still use zellbringen when declaring attacks against all Lyran units, but may exit the duel freely if another unit interferes. If three duels are canceled in this manner, the Jade Falcon units may ignore zellbringen totally, against all units, including making physical attacks.