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Author Topic: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777  (Read 18608 times)


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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2013, 09:15:08 PM »

OOC: 3 points of extra armor please. I'll risk the 5 pilot since Marshall doesn't jump. Pulling 2 flash hand grenades,4 HE, 2 smoke 40 mm. Pulling an extra mag pouch and tossing it in my pack. Pre configuring my explosives into breaching charges if possible.

Marshall smirks absently. "Make sure you grab your electronics kit as well Hawker. Your nearly limitless supply of cable ties have a use for this. I'd suggest we blow the front door, mop up and flash and clear an other rooms. If they aren't on the ground it's a safe bet that they aren't our zoomies after we flash."

He looks over at Banzai, "While I'm a fan of improvised sky hooks are we sure that an 80 year old would survive it?"

Edit: adding entry light and reflex sight. Leaving ejection side coffee maker at home.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 09:36:30 PM by Knightofargh »


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2013, 10:42:45 PM »

Rob, Yamamori typically carries a full grenade load with his Mauser unless that's a problem.  Assuming that's ok he'd be carrying 1 frag, 1 flashbang for the grenades.  Do you need a reminder on Yamamori's standard kit?

Yes, please. 

Remember that you and Marshal don't have to do any rolls to get your standard loadouts (about 2 hand and 6 rifle grenades) as it is.  The only time you'd have to roll would be to get more of them to carry; if you wanted 12 HE rifle grenades, for example.

The two of you are also considered to have "infantry weapons", rather than the sidearms that people like Callahan carry.  I know you have the Mauser system, and he has his M4gery.

Coolant suit with combat neurohelmet
standard side arm with silencer
knife (standard not vibro)
Combat boots (assuming this is standard for all)
1 flashbang, 1 frag grenade

May be worn standard (depends on if or how much of a penalty to PSR):
IR / ECM / Camo Sneak Suit*

Yamamori's standard kit that he keeps with him in his mech includes:
Mauser 960 with full gear (flash suppressor, grenade launcher, vibroblade, medipack, etc.)
6 mini grenades - 4 high explosive, 2 stun
Jump pack (standard, not emergency - attached to his command couch / ejection system)

Pack (attached to top of jump pack containing)
A few power pack spares for the mauser
An extra couple clips or power packs for the side arm depending on what's standard issue
Ablative flack jacket and pants
6 more HE grenades, 4 smoke, 2 stun
Extra rations / water / canteen and water purification
tranq pistol with silencer
Spare medkit

*The sneak suit in at least one description I found indicated that it needs to be worn as the outermost layer.  Likewise the coolant suit is described as skin tight.  Assuming those are accurate descriptions then I would expect it's easy to wear the sneak suit over the coolant suit.  Let me know how much of a penalty there is for doing so.

If anything seems unreasonable, please let me know.

With a sweep of his...

« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 06:23:52 AM by Hat »

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2013, 10:59:49 PM »

Rob, Yamamori typically carries a full grenade load with his Mauser unless that's a problem.  Assuming that's ok he'd be carrying 1 frag, 1 flashbang for the grenades.  Do you need a reminder on Yamamori's standard kit?

Yes, please. 

Remember that you and Marshal don't have to do any rolls to get your standard loadouts (about 2 hand and 6 rifle grenades) as it is.  The only time you'd have to roll would be to get more of them to carry; if you wanted 12 HE rifle grenades, for example.

The two of you are also considered to have "infantry weapons", rather than the sidearms that people like Callahan carry.  I know you have the Mauser system, and he has his M4gery.

Coolant suit with combat neurohelmet
standard side arm with silencer
knife (standard not vibro)
Combat books (assuming this is standard for all)
1 flashbang, 1 frag grenade

OK, none of that is a problem.  The rules are assuming that you're bailing out of your Mechs, hauling ass to the ground, and going.  Not taking time to do things like put on jump packs (30 seconds-1 minute), extra armor (2-3 minutes) or pull spare ammo and strap it to you (10-30 seconds).  You're welcome to take extra time getting your loadout set, but be aware that you'd basically be standing still on the battlefield.

Likewise, say you grabbed your pack on the way out of the Mech.  You'll still need to take time to access the spare grenades and so forth in there.  Basically, they're not "combat loaded" and immediately-accessible; which is what you'll want for this mission given that you'll either be standing still in your Mech, or on foot outside a building during a full-on Mech engagement.

Sorry for the confusion; does this make more sense?


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2013, 11:18:01 PM »

Rob, it makes sense.   Given the descriptions and his training are you ok with the sneak suit over the cooling at no psr mod?

He'd be in sneak with the mauser, standard worn items plus tranq pistol and a reload power pack. Given he's Fit would you allowan extra grenade or two without penalty?  If so 1 smoke and a second frag in that order.

I didn't expect to have time to swap armor or use the jump pack on this mission, but you asked about standard kit so I included them.

With a sweep of his...


Darrian Wolffe

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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2013, 12:56:00 AM »

Rob, it makes sense.   Given the descriptions and his training are you ok with the sneak suit over the cooling at no psr mod?'s what we'll do.  Sneak suit isn't going to give you any additional armor soak (ignore the first X points of damage), but it'll add a +2 to their TN to hit you in the first place with direct weaponry.   To be clear, then, if a grenade goes off next to you, the sneak suit won't help.

If you want to wear additional armor in the cockpit, EVERY point of armor is going to give a +1 PSR modifier, instead of as normal where the first point is free.  Additionally, you're capped at 3 points of additional armor instead of 6, simply due to the bulk of multiple systems.

Finally, the sneak suit itself, in conjunction with the cooling suit, won't give you a PSR mod.


He'd be in sneak with the mauser, standard worn items plus tranq pistol and a reload power pack. Given he's Fit would you allowan extra grenade or two without penalty?  If so 1 smoke and a second frag in that order.

The limit regarding carrying extra grenades isn't weight - it's how much crap you can strap onto you and still be able to fight in a Mech cockpit (seatbelts react poorly to oddly-shaped stuff on your chest when it comes time for the seatbelt to do what it's supposed to do).  I was going to give you a large bonus on things like resisting Flashbangs/Stun Grenades, Gas Attacks, and so forth for possessing Fit.

Having the Tranq sidearm is 100% cool, as is some spare ammo. 

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2013, 01:04:27 AM »

IC: "Hey Duncan?  L-T?  Look, the Chaplain seems kinda busy, and I know I'm slated for the hostage rescue tomorrow.  Could you Negotiate with Supply and see if you can get a combat vest and some grenades authorized for me?"

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2013, 02:09:34 AM »

Based on Demo Team feedback, I've revised the infantry combat rules slightly:

-The base TN to hit with Small Arms is a 5 (before modifiers).
-PC move, then NPCs move.  
-Partial cover like taking cover in a doorway gives a +2 TN to hit.  (1 person per side of doorway)
-Firing at a prone target adds +1 TN to hit (no prone in a doorway).
-Being effected by a Flashbang (base TN 12) adds your MoF to your To-hit rolls for 2 rounds.
-Firing through Smoke adds +3 to-hit (total, not per hex).
-Being adjacent to your target gives a -3 to-hit bonus.
-Being more than 6 hexes away adds a +2 to-hit penalty for sidearms.
-Lethal grenades deal 3 damage, -1 per hex away.  MoS on the attack roll is added to the target hex, half the MoS is added to the 6 adjacent hexes.  No chunky salsa rule.
-Non-lethal grenades have a 7-hex area (like AOE bombs)
-Small Arms deal 1 damage, plus MoS.
-Armor ignores the first X points from each hit.
-You can call a held action to interrupt a PC or NPC move when condition X is met.
-You can move 3 hexes, or 6 hexes and take a +2 to-hit penalty.
-Using most Skills (Computers, Security Systems, Demolitions, etc) takes your entire turn and you cannot move.

This is everything.  All other rules are as listed in the initial post.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2013, 02:27:52 AM by Darrian Wolffe »

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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2013, 02:20:03 AM »

IC: "Hey Duncan?  L-T?  Look, the Chaplain seems kinda busy, and I know I'm slated for the hostage rescue tomorrow.  Could you Negotiate with Supply and see if you can get a combat vest and some grenades authorized for me?"

OOC: I can't think of anything better for Duncan to do in between scenarios, so that sounds good to me.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2013, 06:41:17 AM »

Rob, it makes sense.   Given the descriptions and his training are you ok with the sneak suit over the cooling at no psr mod?'s what we'll do.  Sneak suit isn't going to give you any additional armor soak (ignore the first X points of damage), but it'll add a +2 to their TN to hit you in the first place with direct weaponry.   To be clear, then, if a grenade goes off next to you, the sneak suit won't help.

If you want to wear additional armor in the cockpit, EVERY point of armor is going to give a +1 PSR modifier, instead of as normal where the first point is free.  Additionally, you're capped at 3 points of additional armor instead of 6, simply due to the bulk of multiple systems.

Finally, the sneak suit itself, in conjunction with the cooling suit, won't give you a PSR mod.


I think so, but let me confirm.
Option 1: Coolant suit + X armor = X PSR modifier, 1 +X armor; max of X = 6
Option 2: Coolant suit (1 point inherrent armor) + sneak suit (no additional armor) = No PSR modifier, 1 point of armor, +2 to be hit by direct weapons and no effect against a grenade
Option 3: Coolant suit + X armor + sneak suit = 1 + X PSR modifier, 1 + X armor, +2 to be hit by direct weapons and no effect against a grenade, max of X = 3

If I have the 3 options correct, Yamamori would take Option 3 for this mission, 2 points of additional armor for a +3 PSR, 3 points of armor and the +2 to be hit by direct weapons.

SOP for him though would be Option 2 any other time he climbs in the cockpit.  He didn't get the nickname of Ghost for nothing.  It's a state of mind.  :)

One other question: what would the standard SLDF armor level be for Jump Infantry?  Just trying to figure out what he's likely to have in his pack.

He'd be in sneak with the mauser, standard worn items plus tranq pistol and a reload power pack. Given he's Fit would you allow an extra grenade or two without penalty?  If so 1 smoke and a second frag in that order.

The limit regarding carrying extra grenades isn't weight - it's how much crap you can strap onto you and still be able to fight in a Mech cockpit (seatbelts react poorly to oddly-shaped stuff on your chest when it comes time for the seatbelt to do what it's supposed to do).  I was going to give you a large bonus on things like resisting Flashbangs/Stun Grenades, Gas Attacks, and so forth for possessing Fit.

Having the Tranq sidearm is 100% cool, as is some spare ammo. 

Got it on the bulk thing.  No extra grenades then.  Mini-grenades would change slightly to be 3 HE, 1 Smoke, 2 Stun.


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2013, 06:44:56 AM »

Rob - 2 questions related to the revised infantry rules:

1. Can a good Perception check minimize the penalty for smoke?
2. Especially under the cover of smoke, can you use stealth to increase the penalty to be hit?  The Mauser comes with a flash suppression system and I've got a side arm with a silencer, so I'm curious. 

With a sweep of his...



  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2013, 06:50:45 AM »

Marshall smirks absently. "Make sure you grab your electronics kit as well Hawker. Your nearly limitless supply of cable ties have a use for this. I'd suggest we blow the front door, mop up and flash and clear an other rooms. If they aren't on the ground it's a safe bet that they aren't our zoomies after we flash."

He looks over at Banzai, "While I'm a fan of improvised sky hooks are we sure that an 80 year old would survive it?"

Nods at Marshall's suggestion for approach.  "I'd recommend we try the door first before blowing it and even try a quick pick on it if Hawker's up for that.  Not sure if we'll need the charge later and they're limited.  First door has the greater chance for surprise."

"We still haven't determined who's ride we'll be placing the target in as our first choice."

Black Omega

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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #41 on: May 17, 2013, 07:31:18 AM »

There may be more than one.  We may need a HiLux.

And remember, this COULD be a trap.
"Slavish adherence to formal ritual is a sign that one has nothing better to think about."


  • Semper Senex Morosus
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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #42 on: May 17, 2013, 08:10:01 AM »

"Best best is to go in hard and fast. Hence why I'm planning on weaponizing the front door. If the RWR is amateur hour, the zoomies wind up dead. I'm betting on professionals which means the hostages won't be in the front room."

Marshall pauses, "LT? Padre? Can one of you requisition me combat armor?" (OOG TN 9 admin check)


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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #43 on: May 17, 2013, 08:27:57 PM »

"How many people are going in? Trying to figure out who all is going and how we are going to deploy. Will I be needed for this little adventure into the depths of the unknown."

Also Rob what would my load out be weapon wise if I were to be in this adventure or out trying to wipe out the enemy in my mech?

Die Clanner!!!!


  • Carpe Petasus
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Re: IC: January 31st-March 9th, 2777
« Reply #44 on: May 17, 2013, 09:02:40 PM »

"How many people are going in? Trying to figure out who all is going and how we are going to deploy. Will I be needed for this little adventure into the depths of the unknown."

Also Rob what would my load out be weapon wise if I were to be in this adventure or out trying to wipe out the enemy in my mech?

I would guess we're just sending in Marshall, Yamamori, Callahan and Hawker.  If someone else wants to go, we can do that but I'd probably limit it to 1 or 2 more tops.  Every person we send in is one less on the line keeping the enemy mechs at bay.

With a sweep of his...

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