Will there be any way to improve unit pilot/gunnery?
From prior experience, improving P/G scores using the Warchest system is extremely problematic. It's either too expensive to bother with, or so cheap that everybody spends the entirety of their WCP on upgrading their pilots first thing, hoping that they'll win the first fight so they can continue the campaign. The balance point in the middle involves tracking kills and missions per pilot, which is antithetical to the idea of a low-paperwork campaign. I'm willing to hear ideas, but I'd much prefer to not have pilot advancement as a part of this.
Thanks for posting the rules. What era, clans and TROs are eligible?
1) What era or eras are under consideration? Or is this being held to a future discussion?
There's no answer on this yet. I'm leaning toward a War of Reaving-centric campaign, but I'm still fleshing out ideas.
One other question, can we roll the unit composition rolls on our own, need to be witnessed, how do you want to work that?
These will absolutely need to be witnessed in person, or I'll link everyone to an online dice roller program that can't be spoofed.
Wait - Travis, don't we have a dice roller on these boards?
2) "Each of the other two Stars has a single Star Commander, which must be assigned to a Mech-class unit different from your Avatar."
What does this restriction intend to prevent? For example, if I roll all 6s, and choose all my mechs to be Fire Moth Ks, would this rule force me to select a different variant for 2 mechs such that they are not firemoth K? On a more abstract level, what exactly does different mean?
-You must assign a Star Commander to a Mech.
-You may not assign a Star Commander to the same Mech as your Avatar (this is covering for command console-equipped units and/or dual-pilot units)
3) The rules for replacing a unit have you choose a faction appropriate unit, while the rules for force creation have no such restriction. Do these need to be harmonized?
Yes, they do. You will be limited by the MUL faction availabiilty for your chosen Clan. Noted for v7.
3a) When do you choose which clan your force is a part of?
Immediately after Avatar Creation, but before the Star Composition Roll. Noted for v7.
4) Under replacing an Avatar it states "Star Commander Edge is unchanged." However, there are no rules for Star Commander Edge. What is Star Commander Edge?
It's actually just Edge assigned to an individual Star Commander which you have the option to purchase and doesn't automatically refresh like your Avatar's does. As it's also mentioned in the Warchest Logistics Table, I thought it was obvious. I'll add an addendum to the table discussing it in v7.