Warriors of the Watch,
In 3060, Clan Diamond Shark won the rights to all Nova Cat holdings on the planet Barcella following the Nova Cat defection to the Inner Sphere. Due to the pathetically-mercantile leanings of the Sharks, they have not fully consolidated their grip on that world, and several Nova Cat installations have remained entirely abandoned in the intervening years. We have learned that a group of Dark Castemen have entered one of these holdings and discovered a great number of cached weapons and equipment, which they have used to make raids upon outlying Ice Hellion and Diamond Shark holdings. Jade Falcon holdings are far enough from the abandoned caches that they are under no immediate threat. While we believe they have not yet discovered them, a records search has revealed that a cache in the immediate vicinity of their operations area contains several atomic devices, primarily tactical in nature. This development means that we cannot wait for the various Clans on Barcella to complete their Trialing process; nuclear weapons in the hands of Dark Caste are a threat to potentially the entire Kerensky Cluster, and thus fall under the purview of the Watch, quiaff?
Your forces will make planetfall out of immediate air defense range, and advance upon the target area, sweeping away anything in your path. There will certainly be BattleMech-equipped defenders, though they will not of course match your skill. Wipe out their defenses, and clear the way for our reconnaissance forces to localize their base of operation.
Game Setup
This game is played on two BattleTech mapsheets. These maps are determined randomly (see TW, pg 263). Roll 1d6 for each map. 1: Mountain Terrain. 2-3: Hill Terrain. 4-5: Wooded Terrain. 6: Wetlands Terrain. Resolve the specific mapsheet as per the indicated table. The OPFOR player chooses their home edge, while the Clan player chooses the map layout and orientation. Aerospace units are run using a Low Altitude Mapsheet, keyed to Hexes 0809 and 0909 for the play area.
The OPFOR begins the game with all of their units on the playing area, and may be no further than 4 hexes from their home edge. Aerospace units enter the Low-Altitude Map from the map edge corresponding to the direction of the ground map home edge, at Velocity 4, Altitude 6 or less.
Clan players divide their force numerically in half. One portion (rounding up) enters the map from its designated home edge on Turn 1. The remaining portion enters from the same edge at the beginning of any turn between Turns 5 and 10. The Clan player must declare their remaining force is entering during an End Phase. The force skips one turn, and then enters in the Initiative Phase of the following turn (ie, declare on Turn 5, skip Turn 6, enter on Turn 7). Clan forces off-board may not be attacked by aerospace units.
Game Rules
1) OPFOR Mech and aerospace units operate under Forced Withdrawal rules
2) This game will end after Turn 12.
3) OPFOR Players need not abide by Zellbringen rules, but failure to do so may result in consequences (see "Options", below).
Warchest Rewards and Costs
Track Cost: 200
Hammer: Cripple/Destroy at least 50% (rounded up) of the defender's numerical strength. (300)
Breakthrough: Exit at least 25% of the Clan force (rounded up) off the opponent's home edge. (200)
Options (you must achieve at least one Objective to receive Option Warchest Payouts)
+100 Complicated Weather: Roll once on the General Weather Table (TO, pg 69) and apply the result to the battlefield. Your Avatar may spend Edge on this roll.
+150 Additional Complications: Roll once on the General Weather Table. Roll 2d6; the result is the number of turns this effect lasts. Your Avatar may NOT spend Edge on this roll.
+100 Sensor Interference: Use the Electromagnetic Interference rules (TO, pg 55)
Zellbringen (you MUST choose one level of Zellbringen. If you achieve no Objectives, you receive HALF of the listed payout. If you achieve at least one Objective, you receive the full payout)
+0 No Zellbringen: Clan forces may engage OPFOR units without regard for Zellbringen (ie, they may combine fire and may use area-effect weapons and physical attacks). This cannot stack with any other Zellbringen option.
+150: Liberal Zellbringen: Clan forces must engage OPFOR using Zellbringen duelling** rules (ie, they must engage in 1-on-1 [or 1-on-2, 1-on-3, etc] duels with OPFOR units, may not use area-effect weapons, and may not use physical attacks. At the end of each phase in which the OPFOR combines fire, uses area-effect weapons and/or physical attacks, or breaks LOS for the second turn in a row, the Clan player must roll 2d6. On an 7+, the Clan player is freed from the confines of Zellbringen for the remainder of the scenario. For every subsequent turn in which the OPFOR breaks Zellbringen, the TN of this check is reduced by 1.) This cannot stack with any other Zellbringen option.
+300: Strict Zellbringen: Clan forces must engage OPFOR using Zellbringen duelling rules (ie, they must engage in 1-on-1 [or 1-on-2, 1-on-3, etc] duels with OPFOR units, may not use or deploy area-effect weapons or units which mount area-effect weapons [they must be bid away], and may not use physical attacks. At the end of each phase in which the OPFOR combines fire, uses area-effect weapons and/or physical attacks, or breaks LOS for the second turn in a row, the Clan player must roll 2d6. On an 9+, the Clan player is freed from the confines of Zellbringen for the remainder of the scenario. For every subsequent turn in which the OPFOR breaks Zellbringen, the TN of this check is reduced by 1.) This cannot stack with any other Zellbringen option.
Victory Points
+1 VP: Each OPFOR Point destroyed or crippled
+1 VP: Each non-crippled Clan Point exited off the OPFOR home edge before the end of Turn 10
-1 VP: Each Clan Point destroyed or crippled
+3 VP: Achieve the Hammer Objective
Track Exits
The player with the highest VP at the end of the scenario may select from the following track options:
1) Pursuit: The Clan forces chase down the defeated remnants of the Dark Caste defense line (one player must have achieved the "Breakthrough" Objective)
2) Flank: The Clan forces detach a portion of their force to entrap the remaining Dark Caste defenders against the larger Clan force portion.
3) Assault: The Clan forces ignore the fleeing defenders, repair, rearm, and mass for a frontal assault against the Dark Caste encampment.
4) Forced Withdrawal: If no Clan player achieved a Hammer Objective, the Clan forces must fall back and regroup while pursued by the Dark Caste.
**Zellbringen Dueling:
1 Mech = 1 Mech = 1 ASF = 2 Tanks = 5 BattleArmor = 5 ProtoMechs. Each of these is considered one "unit". One "unit" duels one enemy "unit", unless the Challenging player decides his unit should fight more than one enemy. Challenges are made prior to Weapons Fire declaration, and need be only declared. An OPFOR player need not "accept" a Clan duel challenge, but once the challenges is made the Clan player's unit must target only that OPFOR unit until he is destroyed, the OPFOR unit is destroyed, or Zell is broken.