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Author Topic: Scale Comparisons  (Read 1577 times)


  • Unicorn Clan Triumphant
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Scale Comparisons
« on: September 02, 2016, 08:57:20 PM »

So one of the "fun" parts of having multiple manufacturers of minis is that each may be labled 28mm or 1:56 or 1:48, but theres variation within for chunkyness, 'heroicness', true proportions, etc.
Here are comparison shots of the Perry Plastic Afrika Corps minis vs the standard Boltaction guys.  There's definitely a bit more heft to the Warlord branded minis, or the Afrika Corps missed a meal somewhere.

Related, here are several 1:48 scale vees.  The halftrack and armored car are both Taimya.  The panzer 4 is one of the Revell snaptight 'toy' model.  The tank is very chunky to the point of being mistaken for a Tiger, but the Taimya kits dont seem too bad.

Just something to keep an eye out for if you're worried about having everyone in your unit match up completely.