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Author Topic: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)  (Read 1863 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« on: September 17, 2016, 05:05:40 PM »

6 December, 3070
Clan Homeworlds

A short time ago, information came to the Watch from an unknown and highly secretive source which intimates that the Diamond Sharks are dealing Clan technology directly to the Federated Suns in the Inner Sphere; this action would go directly against the Grand Council's specific restrictions on their trade practices, and if true the consequences for the Sharks would be dire.  At the dictate of the IlKhan, Watch forces landed on Priori and located the Diamond Shark Merchant Caste coordination facility so it may be seized and inspected in the name of the Grand Council. 

Upon identifying the contraband and Diamond Shark headquarters facility in a compound far from any other settlement on the planet, Watch forces issued an ultimatum to the defending Diamond Shark forces. Surrender the facility under the authority of the Watch and the Ilkhan, or forfeit Clan conventions and be bombarded into dust from afar.  The Diamond Sharks, showing their negotiating acumen, proposed a counter-offer: they invoked the right to declare a Trial of Refusal against the Ilkhan's orders, a trial would would double as a Trial of Possession for the facility.  If the defending forces were victorious, the Ilkhan's orders would be refused and the Sharks would grant hegira - the right of retreat - to the Watch forces.  If the Watch was victorious, they could take possession of the facility and all contents thereof. 

Seeing that the alternative is to bombard the facility and lose the intelligence data, the Watch commander acquiesced to the proposed Trial. 


Game Setup

This game is played on four BattleTech mapsheets representing a Circle of Equals.  These maps are determined randomly (see TW, pg 263).   Maps MUST be laid out as indicated below, and may be arranged as chosen by the Watch player (ie, roll for the maps, do the bidding process, then lay out the maps). 

Map Layout
east   [][]......west


OPFOR units enter on the north edge during their movement on Turn one.

Clan units enter the board along the south edge during their movement on Turn one. 


Game Rules
1) Forced Withdrawal rules are not in effect, but any player may CHOOSE to withdrawal a unit off-board via any board edge (or voluntarily shut their Mech down as an End Phase declaration) if it meets any of the following conditions: missing a limb, internal in 3 locations, no weapons remaining capable of dealing 7+ damage, 1 engine or gyro hit, 2+ pilot hits, no armor remaining on the head.
2) This game has no turn limit.
3) Aerospace units MUST be bid away during a player's first bid; they cannot remain within the designated Circle of equals at flight speeds.
4) Honorable Combat: Diamond Shark players must make a 2d6 roll in front of the GM or AGM.  The result is kept secret.  On an 7+, the Diamond Sharks may choose to break Zellbringen during the Trial.  On any lower result, they must fight using Liberal Zellbringen for the entire Trial.
5) Any unit which exists the board area for any reason has left the Circle of Equals and counts as "destroyed" for purposes of determining the scenario victor only.

Warchest Rewards and Costs
Track Cost: 100

1) Trial of Possession: Have the last unit capable of movement, and with at least one weapon functional and with ammo, within the Circle of Equals  +300
2) Honor Above All: Victory through sheer mass is less than impressive.  If you field more Assault-class units (any unit which weights more than 75 tons; a point of tanks counts as 2 units) than the Diamond Sharks, reduce the Track Reward for Objective 1 to 150 WCP instead of 300 WCP.  If you field less Assault-class units than the Diamond Sharks, increase the Track Reward for Objective 1 to 400 WCP.

+100 Complicated Weather: Roll once on the Weather Table (pg.69, TO) and apply the result to the battlefield.  Each player gets 1 free point of Edge to adjust this roll (you MAY spend your free point of edge to reroll your opponent's reroll)

Zellbringen (you MUST choose Liberal Zellbringen.  If you lose the Trial, you receive HALF of the listed payout.  If you win the Trial, you receive the full payout)
+100: Liberal Zellbringen: Clan forces must engage OPFOR using Zellbringen duelling** rules (ie, they must engage in 1-on-1 [or 1-on-2, 1-on-3, etc] duels with OPFOR units, may not use area-effect weapons, and may not use physical attacks.  At the end of each phase in which the OPFOR combines fire, uses area-effect weapons and/or physical attacks, or breaks LOS for the second turn in a row, the Clan player must roll 2d6.  On an 7+, the Clan player is freed from the confines of Zellbringen for the remainder of the scenario.  For every subsequent turn in which the OPFOR breaks Zellbringen, the TN of this check is reduced by 1.)  This cannot stack with any other Zellbringen option.

Track Exits
There are no track exit options for this scenario.


Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2016, 05:13:55 PM »


Each player will bring an OPFOR force. This force MUST be build on the following setup:

-Units available to Clan Diamond Shark or on the Homeworlds Clan General MUL listing.
-No more than 1 point of vehicles.
-No battle armor, ProtoMechs, or aerospace forces.
-You must include at least 1 Assault Mech, and not more than 2.
-You may not include more than 3 total Assault-class Units (1 point of 80-ton tanks would count as 2 units)
-You must include no more than 3 Heavy Mechs.
-You may not repeat a chassis, except in the case of identical vehicles in a vehicle point (ie, a Thor A and a Thor C are repeating a Chassis)
-You must have a total force strength of 8 points.

All Mech pilots are 3/4
All vehicle crews are 4/5
One non-Assault Mech may be designated the Commander. This unit has a 2/3 skill rating, a +2 Inititative bonus, 2 edge, and receives 400 points to buy SPAs.
One Mech unit may be designated a Star Commander.  This unit has a 3/4 skill rating, a +2 Initiative bonus and 2 edge.


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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2016, 06:20:35 PM »

do the spa restrictions apply to the opfor as well as us for weapon spec jumping jack just as clarification
also once a mech is shut down is it able to be restarted by opfor or clan player. if so does this break zell
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 06:24:07 PM by Ice »
Die Clanner!!!!

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2016, 06:29:10 PM »

do the spa restrictions apply to the opfor as well as us for weapon spec jumping jack just as clarification
also once a mech is shut down is it able to be restarted by opfor or clan player. if so does this break zell

Yes, use the adjusted SPA costs from the main ruleset.

Once a Mech is shutdown it is out of the fight entirely.  An attempt to re-start it would void the Trial and be an instant loss for the player attempting it (alternatively, all warriors from both sides would fire upon the unit).

Ad Hoc

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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2016, 08:34:09 PM »

3) Aerospace units MUST be bid away during a player's first bid; they cannot remain within the designated Circle of equals at flight speeds.

If the aerospace is bid away first, does this mean that the rest of bid or next bid be from same star?  Or since my aerospace is in my command star, can I swap my aerospace point with a point from another star just for this mission?  Another option would be to switch Star Captain to another Star for this Mission. 


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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2016, 09:58:38 PM »

For Honor Above All are we going to know the opfor at the time we bid? Otherwise this seems like an arbitrary impact on our wcp. Obviously if we bid <=1 assault units we are safe and >4 we are auto hit with it. But the opfor player, and therefore the opfor, will not be determined until after bidding has finished. I understand the thought behind it, and generally agree with the principal. But this would seem to put a lot of wcp up to an opfor player's choice of opfor, and not a direct result of either play or bid. Also, likewise, vice versa for the bonus.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2016, 11:58:02 AM »

For Honor Above All are we going to know the opfor at the time we bid?

Damn - I fucked that up.  OK, yes, you will know the number of OPFOR Assault-class units prior to your bidding process.  I'll make sure that happens on my end.

For the record, when I was typing the scenario, I had a "the OPFOR must have 2 assault-class units" requirement in mind.  However, by the time I was typing the OPFOR requirements, I had changed that to a "range" for some reason, and this issue slipped by me during my editing passover.  It is not and will not ever be my intention to force you to "guess" in the manner you describe with a WCP penalty for guessing wrongly.

If the aerospace is bid away first, does this mean that the rest of bid or next bid be from same star?

Basically, since they're ineligible units, they must be included in your first bid-away.  Since it's mandatory, they wouldn't count against you - so you can feel free to bid away units from other stars after divesting your force of ASFs.  It works the same way as if you're using strict zell and you're forced to bid away units carrying, say, artillery; they must go away during your first bid, but don't hinder your bidding any further than that.  Does that make sense?


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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2016, 11:07:34 PM »

It happens to us all. Just thought I would ask.

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2016, 11:37:02 AM »

OPFOR Reference List

Hankyu C
Dragonfly A
Stormcrow G
Mad Dog H
Cauldron-born H
Nova Cat C
Executioner B

Since people have asked about list optimization levels.  I basically have one really good Mech in each (L/M/H) weight class, one OK Mech in each (L/M/H/A) weight class, and where there's a 3rd Mech it's not a very good design.  Think about a similar level, please.


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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2016, 01:48:10 PM »

OPFOR Reference List

Hankyu C
Dragonfly A
Stormcrow G
Mad Dog H
Cauldron-born H
Nova Cat C
Executioner B

Since people have asked about list optimization levels.  I basically have one really good Mech in each (L/M/H) weight class, one OK Mech in each (L/M/H/A) weight class, and where there's a 3rd Mech it's not a very good design.  Think about a similar level, please.

can you rate these as to what ones are good ok and mediocre  getting a good idea but wanted to make sure im not balancing the force more so in favor of the player or opfor
Die Clanner!!!!

Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2016, 02:29:34 PM »

OPFOR Reference List

Hankyu C
Dragonfly A
Stormcrow G
Mad Dog H
Cauldron-born H
Nova Cat C
Executioner B

Since people have asked about list optimization levels.  I basically have one really good Mech in each (L/M/H) weight class, one OK Mech in each (L/M/H/A) weight class, and where there's a 3rd Mech it's not a very good design.  Think about a similar level, please.

can you rate these as to what ones are good ok and mediocre  getting a good idea but wanted to make sure im not balancing the force more so in favor of the player or opfor

Hankyu C - Average
Dragonfly A - Good

Conjurer - Average
Stormcrow G - Good

Mad Dog H - Average
Cauldron-born H - Good
Nova Cat C - Bad

Executioner B - average


Darrian Wolffe

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Re: Mission 7: Trial of Possession (and OPFOR building)
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2016, 03:40:52 PM »

What am I trying to avoid?  Something similar to this

Solitaire 2
Nova H
Stooping Hawk F
Stormcrow Prime
Mad Cat A
Nova Cat E
Dire Wolf Widowmaker

Basically everything listed is close to a "best in class" level Mech.