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Author Topic: Campaign Closed  (Read 5971 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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Campaign Closed
« on: February 20, 2017, 01:15:08 AM »

Due to the overwhelming response by both public post and PM, this campaign is hereby closed. 

While the 1-on-1 format was excellent for scaling the game to account for hugely varying numbers of players (we had between 5 and 19 players attend in given months), it was extremely clear that players missed the socialization inherent in the "large table" format.  I understand and sympathize with that viewpoint.  The next campaign will attempt to balance out both the scaling and socialization issues in a manner hopefully more pleasing to the player base.  Not every idea can be a winner, and I appreciate all players efforts in sticking around with a disliked format for as long as they did.  Please direct your attention to the forum for our new campaign: "Have Mech, Will Travel"