I saw that some Administrator were being assigned. Is there any more Admin HR left? If so, I would like one.
Admins were assigned to the lances which have historically required the most repairing after missions. You tend to drive your lance relatively conservatively, so you take a lot less damage in general than, say, Brandon. Therefore, you're a lower immediate priority for assistance. With that said, since they've gotten theirs, you're next on the docket when we hire another veteran HR admin, since you specifically requested one.
Also, after the solo mission Reaper lance requests to be removed from scout role. I may want them assigned to training for 4 weeks. If on training, can the techs still repair salvaged and damaged mechs during that time and at the dropship?
A solid "maybe" on the first part of that question. Depending on when Mission 5 is scheduled to happen, you, Bright, and Dancer Lances may be the only intact formations available. I can't reassign you to training unless and until I have three other fully-intact lances, since we generally want to be throwing a full company into these missions. If I've advanced time to the middle of March and haven't seen a contact pop up, that'll have given enough time to the other lance commanders to do repairs that I can thusly reassign you. Do remember, Mike (Kong Lance) is not deployable at all for the forseeable future, and IIRC Ice, Crusher, and Fairchild Lances at a
minimum are all downchecked for damage. That's ~50% of the overall unit.
As per the second half of that, *IF* I can get you into the training role, the answer is "yes". Techs still do their things during that time in terms of repair and salvage, and count at being at a full repair facility (the -2 mod). However, they can't do a customization of a Mech involved in the training (if Billy Jim is part of Dancer Lance and his Mech is downchecked for customization, then he'll get no benefit from the training for that month).