EASTWESTDEPLOYMENT (in order of deployment)OPFOR Group 1: Within 5 hexes of the center of the map (river hex joining Scattered Woods and Lake Area)
Player: North Edge (3 hexes deep)
OPFOR Group 2: North Edge (3 hexes deep)
Player Reinforcements: Enter from the North Edge of the battlefield upon arrival
OPFOR Reinforcements: Enter from the West Edge of the battlefield upon arrival
STRATEGIC GENUIS (random event): 1 Lance of PC reinforcements arrives on Turn 2; other reinforcements reduce their time to enter the battlefield by 1 turn.
OPFOR SUPPORT FORCES (10 BSP)OPFOR Artillery Support (4 BSPs each): x2 Thumper Artillery Strikes (TN 8; 4 groups of 5 to target hex, 2 groups of 5 in adjacent hexes); 5** total pre-plotted hexes (auto-hit). Offset by 1 turn (declare and designate target hex, then hit on the next turn). Each is 1-use only.
OPFOR Heavy Air Cover (2 BSPs): Can negate 1 Air Attack. Negates a Light Strike/Bombing on TN 9. Negates a Heavy Strike on TN 5. Negates a Strafe/Heavy Bombing on TN 6. Roll 2d6 if negated; destroy attacking ASF on a 10+.
PLAYER SUPPORT FORCES (20 BSP)Player Heavy Bombing (4 BSP each): x2 Bombing attacks (TN 6; 6 groups of 5 to target hex). Each is 1-use only. ASFs cannot be shot at by ground units.
Player Medium-Density Minefields (1 BSP each): x12 Minefields (TN 8; 4 groups of 5 to legs or *random* for vees). Each minefield is "dumb" and 1-use only (only if it hits). Minefields are hidden and may be deployed anywhere on the map.
PCs Victory Conditions:1) Keep more than 3 total units non-destroyed (1/3rd of 5 starting units, rounded). Cripples are alive as long as they can expend MP.
2) Cripple or Destroy at least 7 OPFOR units (50% of 13 starting units)
3) Destroy Robbie’s Mech (+2 VP; a mobility kill counts)
4) Capture Robbie
5) Reduce Robbie’s command lance to 2 mobile Mechs or fewer.
OPFOR Victory Conditions:1) Cripple or Destroy at least 3 total units
2) Ensure that at least 7 OPFOR units remain non-destroyed (50% of 13 starting units). Cripples are alive as long as they can expend MP.
3) Ensure Robbie’s Mech survives (she cannot flee as she is directing the battle).
4) Using Robbie’s Mech, land the killing blow from 3 hexes or fewer on an enemy Lance Leader’s Mech (+3 VP)
**This is only half normal, as befitting reacting to an ambush.***FWL Vehicle units use normal abandonment rules; see Rules PDF***
***FWL forces will not fire on ejected PCs unless the PC has fired on them (while ejected) in a previous turn.***