A couple notes on how these missions usually go, since the Bot just punched us in the dick regarding OPFOR strength levels.
During a Base Attack, the OPFOR is almost always spread into 3 sections (a center force and two wings) which are VERY often staggered in deployment into a discernable "1st line" and "2nd line". That would translate into a practical battlefield experience of you guys having to deal with 3 location-based objectives cross all maps. Usually, that will involve destroying two buildings, and capturing a control point. This is in addition to the listed objective of "blowing up OPFOR units". So you'll want to keep that in mind.
Buildings are fully destructible and enterable. Beagle Probes reveal the building's basement.
Civilian defending units are generally there to be a screen in the board center to delay us and break up our formation while we engage them. However, the civvies suck so hard this time I'm not as concerned about that. Mostly, I think they get included to give bonus XP.
Oh, bright side? This ends the contract early if we win...
thoughts on rerolling anything?
Fortress City might be a good place to start...
Weather could also be worthwhile, get another snow storm...
Map size may be an issue to consider. 50x50 with that many units. It will probably be a 3x3 in mapsheets.
Note that we cannot actually reroll the "Urban" terrain. We're attacking a base. However, yes, the type of Urban is mutable. No matter what, though, there's always going to be a single mapsheet or so of Urban terrain, even if we get Urban - Light.
I would honestly not try to screw around with Weather conditions. It's asking for a lot of trouble given that we'll have to *quickly* close on the enemy and destroy him without getting overwhelmed locally and destroyed ourselves. Anything that makes that harder for them makes it harder for us. And technically, a 50x50 wants to be 3 maps long x 3.5 maps wide.
And yes, we're going to use a fuckton of BSP on this one. If whomever is playing the Prison Break can make that happen prior to this game, we can even add that artillery piece we'd capture during the Prison Break (assuming it lives) to our order of battle in time for THIS game. That gives us a Long Tom and a Thumper gun.