Preliminary May 1, 3046 TO&E attached
Lances that have been updated as of May 1st 3046 with retirement and annual XP rolls
DunedainLances that have been updated as of End of SLAMMER Mission 3
SkaraborgLances (re)added with info as of October 3045
BrightLances Added with no information
[Placeholder] (Logan)Lances Removed
KongLances with no updates or changes communicated to me
IceUnit has two retirements
Tiago Kakakhel (enlisted regular) from the motor pool reserve and Susan Smith (enlisted green admin) from the Logistics branch. Their severance package totals 35,000. A total of 350,000 in retention bonuses were paid to 14 personnel.
Unit has sold the Highlander and included the proceeds in the unit coffers. Bonuses and severances have been deducted. Final contract payouts have not been included.
Please update your pilot skills, ages and such on the google docs sheet as well.