OK, I can post from desktop again. Here's a bit of revision now that I can post the map. Also, I'm hoping to have a printer viable prior to the game, but having someone else print out the BSP sheets and the scenario summary would really help. I'm home sick from work, so I'll try to get the minis needed updated today as well.
Mission MapsDesert 2........Rolling Hill 2......Foothills 2
Desert 3........Desert Crater......Desert 2
Desert 3........Battletech.........Woodland
Open Terr 2....Lake Area........Woodland (half-maps)
Coalition Group 1: Divide into 3 groups of 6. 2 Groups must deploy into Red Zones A and B. 3rd group may deploy into EITHER Purple Zone.
Coalition Local Forces: Turrets must deploy on Level 0 terrain within 5 hexes of the terrain objective. Gauss turrets must deploy directly opposite from one another. Non-turret units must deploy on sub-level terrain within 5 hexes of the objective.
Coalition Group 1: Enters the board on Turn 1 on their initiative via Orange Zone.
Rangers: Deploy anywhere along the south board edge, up to 3 hexes in.
Ranger Reinforcements: May enter the board along the south edge, or along either Blue Zone (determined during deployment).
Environmental Conditions:Low Gravity (the usual)
Battlefield Support:Rangers have access to any desired air support only, no BSP limit.
OPFOR has access to 24 points of BSP, which may be used on any desired air support, or on Sniper and Thumper artillery only.
Victory ConditionsEach scouted hex of the terrain objective grants 1 VP (scouting unit must successfully return to the half-mapsheets to count, and survive there until the end of the scenario). Mission fail on 0-2 VP. Partial success on 3-6 VP. Full success on 7 VP.
OPFOR victory condition is simply to prevent the Ranger victory to the best of their ability.