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Author Topic: Scenarios for both sides revealed  (Read 30795 times)


  • Backstabbing Capellan
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Scenarios for both sides revealed
« on: April 06, 2011, 10:32:17 AM »

Here they are, so that you can know what your fellow players were trying to accomplish.  Thread will be locked until I get everything up.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 10:36:56 AM by agustaaquila »


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Re: Scenarios for both sides revealed
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2011, 10:32:50 AM »

scenario I

Wob site post


Aug 17, 2087
1300 Hours
Near Geneva

The news had not looked good all day, with enemy forces breaking through the defense lines and landing on planet.  At first, this looked like another Case White, with just a few ships, but deep in your heart there was more to come you knew.  As the morning progressed, more things started to go wrong, and now it had happened.
    Enemy dropships had been spotted overhead, on a hard burn.  Since this morning, patrols had been out, trying to guess where the forces were.  Now, the spot is altogether too clear: just south of the peaceful hamlet of Annecy, near a supply base.  There are some mechs already there, but the call just went out, and now it is time to haul ass to turn the enemy dropships back.  Terra, the jewel of humanity, will not be handed over to these infidels without a fight.


Game Setup:
Attacker:  The attacker consists of Stone’s Coalition.

Defender:  The defender is the Keepers of the Gates.
    The force will consist of all the Mech forces, as well as all ASF fighters.  There will be staggered arrival.

Warchest points
Cost: 400 WP

Maps used:  Ground maps, low altitude map
ASF enter at velocity 3

Optional Rules: chaos card init.

1)  Deny enemy assets.  Attack and destroy enemy dropships.
2) Preserve your forces

post write up

August 18, 2087
03:00 hours
Torino, Italy- Olympic Village

You crawl out of tour cockpit, the stale stank of sweat clinging to you.  It feels good to get out of the cockpit, and the fresh air clears all your sense.  You have been in the cockpit for over 24 hours, and simply to get out of the cramped confines is the best you’ve felt in a while.

An adapt you don’t recognize comes up to you, and hands you some orange drink.  You are so dehydrated that you know you have to drink, and begin sipping and thinking of the events of the past day.  The Coalition forces dropped heavy on your position, and there was little you could do to fight them.  When the order came to run, you took off, with no idea where you were going, but with the knowledge that if you ran hard enough, you would live to fight another day.  The radio was filled with chatter, but you heard rumors that there were forces gathering in Torino for a push westward to fight the Coalition.

You were expecting a cat and mouse hunt to get to Torino, but the roads were strangly silent and empty.  It was as if all of Europe was in awe of what was happening, a second D-Day.  The Coalition must have had better things to do than hunt you down, for although you saw fighters in the sky they were always headed in the direction of Geneva.  The trip to Torino was harrowing, but uneventful.

A man in robes approaches you.  “Mechwarrior, if you would please come with me.  I can get you a shower, and a clean bed to sleep in.  It may be the last bed you sleep in for a while.  I won’t lie to you, our situation if tough and there are many difficult days ahead.  What mechs we can patch up, along with the armor and infantry assets here, are planning to leave soon to avoid Coalition forces.  Don’t worry about that now however, get your shower and get to sleep.”

The shower is over all to soon, but when your head hits the thin mattress you pass into a deep slumber.  Your last thought is one of concern for your friends back in Geneva, thinking about what the Coalition has in store for them.”
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 10:35:22 AM by agustaaquila »


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Re: Scenarios for both sides revealed
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2011, 10:34:03 AM »

Coal site post


Terran System
AUG 16, 3078  23:47
T-minus 40 to jump


You come to attention as the force commander comes into the briefing room, and takes the podium.  Taking a look around the room, you are in awe of the disparate forces brought together here.  Even though you have fought hard in shredding the rest of the Blakist Protectorate, the intermingling of uniforms still strikes you.  A man in a blue jumpsuit, with part of his head shaved stands next to three warriors, in tunics of grey, gold and purple but each with the Marik Eagle displayed on it, and mixed into this jumble are people dressed in blue and white cooling jackets, with white trousers and gold boots.  Truly, Stone has assembled the greatest force to take back humanity’s home from those who would destroy all humanity holds dear.

“As you were, and please be seated.  Right now we are about to jump into orbit with Terra, and the fleet is preparing to combat drop as we speak.”  A map on the wall behind the CO zooms into the continent of Europe, and then zooms into the center of the continent.  “Your initial objective is the city of Geneva, a Toaster stronghold.  Your drop point is just south of the town of Annency.  You will drop on Terra, rally to Annency, and then push the last 40 klicks up to Geneva.  Other forces will drop in other places to complete the noose.  I don’t need to remind you just how bad these bastards are, you all know first hand.  Keep your eyes open for traps.  If there are no questions, get to your dropships and get strapped into your mechs.  Drop is immanent.  Today goes down in history as the last day the Toasters were a threat to the galaxy.  Dismissed.”

Game Setup:
Attacker:  The attacker consists of Stone’s Coalition.
    The attacker deploys out of Union dropships.  The force consists of all mech units, as well as ASF units.

Defender:  The defender is the 4th army of the Word of Blake.

Warchest points
Cost: 400 WP

Maps used:  Ground maps, low altitude map
ASF enter at velocity 7

Optional Rules:  None

1)  Get to the rally point:  Withdraw your units from the Blakist Home edge.
2) Preserve your forces

Special Rules: Chaos Card Init.

Coal score sheet

Aug 17, 2087
Annacy, Switzerland

    You excitably jump out of your mech.  The Blakest broke easily, and you were able to push on to your objective.  A sense of pride fills you; at this rate, Terra will be your within the week.
    “Wipe that smile off your face soldier.”  A Sergeant, is looking at you, and does not seems pleased.  His uniform is one that inspires fear and respect in you, for it is the uniform of Stones own forces, Stone’s Liberators.  “The drops were all over the place, and our forces took heavy damage.  You are ordered to get a shower and some grub, then get to the sack.  We have taken over the local recreation center for showering, but the showers are already cold.  If you hurry through them, we might have more than Cheese Omelet meals to eat.  Just be glad your not a tech.  They must get your forces in order by Oh four hundred hours.  Your briefing is a oh seven hundred.  Get your ass in gear, dismissed.”


  • Backstabbing Capellan
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Re: Scenarios for both sides revealed
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2011, 02:30:19 PM »

Scenario II- Questions in the Dark

Coalition side post

Its said that war is hell, but that’s only half the truth.  War is more confusion, never knowing what really is going on.  You never know why the brass above you, even those as good as Redburn, do what they do.  You never know why you are sent to a little insignificant village to die.  Especially if it is of vital importance.

Journal of Adept IX Francis Bouchard, Comguard dated Aug 30, 3078


On August 31, after 14 days of brutal attack and counterattack Stone’s Coalition have found a potential chick in the armor around Genneva.  Redburn, though stuck in orbit, ordered your forces to move to exploit it with all speed.  There is a ROM facility, with the potential for important information.

Attacker:  The attacking force consists of Stone’s Coalition.  You will pick up to 16 units, designating 4 of them as reinforcements to come into the battle after turn 4.  You may not select ASF, as anti-aircraft installations around the city remain too heavy for air support.  You may not select any of the ComGuard or Stones Liberator units (Tessen, raijin, flashman, ryoken, ostscout, thug, direwolf, osprey) that did not make it off the dropship (these will become available at a later scenario.)

Defender:  Defending units are the 4th WoB Army, TerraSec, and other WoB forces.


Cost: 75 WP


Off board artillery (-400 WP) Any chosen artillery units are located off the map, and may not be attacked.

Night Attack (+75)  See TO 109 Full moon night rules for effect

They knew we were comming (+60)  Wob Forces get 4 10 point minefields to place on map.


Secure Tech Center:  Place at least 2 units within 2 hexes of the tech center, and make no weapon attacks for 2 consecutive turns.  This must be begun before turn 6 starts, as Military intellegence predicts that this is the best time for the ROM forces to wipe the database.

Data prevention:  Destroy any units coming out of the tech center to prevent data from being returned from to WoB hands. 

Preserve your forces.

WoB site post

Coalition forces have discovered RoM’s force disposition databanks that were hidden outside of Geneva.  They are moving in on them.  There is a light defense force, consisting of a few mechs with heavy vehicle support.  It is the Masters will that we go and get the information that is maintained there.  Do not interfear with RoM’s effort to defend their territory, they will support us getting away with the data.
“Benedictus Ascendi Sanctus! Manei Domini, sanguis eius pretiosissimus!”

<Logging In>
<Logged Into ROMNet TerraSec Node>
    Begin Transaction(file =  EULogisticsAug78.xlsx)

WOB force

Se’irim BA (6) (capture team) (carrying info) (VDNI) turn 7
Bolla Stealth Tank  (VDNI) (Infernus varrient)

RoM forces
Purifier BA (sl) turn 4
Infantry (david LGR) turn 2
2 SRM carriers
2 LRM carriers
Goblin tank
Shreak PPC carrier
2 savana masters
2 squads infantry (SRM)
King Crab-000
Red Shift 2A
Nexis II - A
lightray - 5W


  • Backstabbing Capellan
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Re: Scenarios for both sides revealed
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2011, 02:32:21 PM »

Terra III
Mission: Do unto others.
Attacker: WoB

“It doesn’t appear that Stone’s forces have any idea you guys managed to slip through their lines back to Torino when all this started.  This puts us in a great position to do some raiding on their rear lines.  There is a crude base at Chambery built on the spaceport, manned by the Marik Militia.  They’ve gotten lax since the fighting’s reached a stalemate in Geneva, and I think we can sneak in a small strike group without them seeing it coming.  It is critical to disrupt this base’s operations, as it is the primary control point for all southern ASF operations in the region.” - Precentor Ognian, acting commander Torino Firebase.

Sept 3 3078: After weeks of the fighting being bottled up in Geneva, some areas on the rear of the Coalition’s lines have stepped down from constant alert, allowing for their people to get some rest before going back to the lines.  This has opened up the possibilities of a strike from Terrasec forces not trapped in the target city.

Force Composition:  2 level 2s
ASF is available, but must start at NOE and max start velocity is cruise speed due to the need to fly in under the radar.

Artillery is available for this mission.

Cost: 125 wp
Objectives:      Destroy Command Center, Flight Control Tower, Ammo Dump.
        Damage or destroy as much war material as possible

Mission Options:
        I thought they said militia! - Some of the forces defending the base are veteran rather than regular pilots - +45 wp
        CAP - In addition to mechs, there is an ASF patrol airborne at start. - +75 wp

Terra III
Mission: Do unto others.
Defender: Coalition (Marik Militia)

“Enemy forces have been seen south of the base.  All non combat personnel report to their assigned shelter immediately.  All combat personnel are now to be on alert.  Enemy forces have be...”

It appears some of the 4th Army has gotten out of Geneva somehow and are hitting behind the lines.  The base at Chambery has come under attack by WoB forces.  The base, being a hastily reconfigured civilian aerospaceport, was designed to repel assaults from the direction of Geneva to the north.  Of course, the strike came from the south.

Force Composition: 2 Companies, 1 Union, 2 loader mechs
At start, only a lance (a returning patrol) of mechs, the union, and the loader mechs will be active.  As the game continues, additional forces will come online to respond to the assault.

Objectives: Defend the base.

Special Rules: Mines.  10 mines are on field.  They will explode when shot, resulting in 20 damage/5 splash in surrounding hexes, damage done in 5 point batches.  After exploding, roll 1d6 direction, 2d6 distance.  Red boxes will do 10 damage to anything in the line, done in 5 point batches.  Yellow boxes will do 20/5, as an arrow 4 hits.


  • Backstabbing Capellan
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Re: Scenarios for both sides revealed
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2011, 02:38:48 PM »

Fall of Geneva

Annancy, Terra
September 17, 3078 1357

    The Union touched down on the landing pad, and the assembled personnel slowly took their hands from their ears.  The ringing subsided as the ramp extended from the mech bay door, but a loud grinding noise replaced it as the door opened.  The Union clearly had seen better days, but quick repairs kept it together.
    All personnel snapped to attention as an old man marched down the ramp, preceding all the battlemechs.  While his age was clearly visible, he walked with a spring in his step that men half his age did not possess.  He walked up to a podium that someone had hastily assembled, and stepped up to a microphone.  Several assembled reporters among the front row started taking pictures.
    “You’ve done a good job so far, but we all know it gets harder from here.  You know your assignments.  Dismissed!” 

    Andrew Redburn walked away from a podium into a waiting jeep, as a Dire Wolf and Stormcrow started to descend from the dropship.

Mission: Beyond the Prism Pentad

WP Cost:  500 (total)


Attacker:  Coalition.  Coalition will choose up to 4 units. 

Defender:  Wob will defend. See next post for composition. 

Deployment:  Units will be deployed according to the following chart:
Unit Type    Turn starting
areofighter            1
Mech/Vee max speed        Turn
14+                1
11                2
9                3
8                4
6                6
3                10

Power down:  destroy the power relay station


Attacker:  Coalition chooses up to 12 units.

Defender:  WoB will defend with several units.  See post below for exact composition.


Open the gate
If more than 375 tons of mechs all succeed in making an unmodified pilot check roll during the physical attack phase, then the gate will fall over.  If power is disabled, than the requirement is lowered to 150 tons.

Collateral Damage
Any artillery strike that drifts off the board has a change of hitting a civilian structure, and costing the unit WP representing allocation of resources to public relations to account for the high amount of civilian casualties the unit has caused.


Once more into the breach
Withdraw forces off the WoB home edge


Special Rules:

    All forces on the Coalition side are available (this includes mechs that were unavailable for the second scenario).

Hurried Defense:
    All homing rounds for the Arrow IV system are unavailable due to supply chain problems at Chambery.  They were apparently expended in an attempt to make makeshift mines to try and defend the base.

Optional Rules: 
Its been a long campaign (+/- 25 WP) 
    Each side units take tonnage/10 points of battle before the battle starts.  This serves as a bonus for damage to Coalition units and a penalty to WoB units.  Any internal damage is marked off and may result in critical damage, per a normal roll (8+) made by the GMs.  However, no ammo explosion can result from this critical damage, a result of limb blown off is treated as 3 crits, and no critical check is rolled against the head. 

Intel was incomplete (+ 35 WP)
Increase number of veteran pilots among WoB forces.

GM stuff

WoB Force
2 Partisian Air defense tanks (Old is the new new RS)
   3Jagermech JM6-S with flac ammo
   1 Blackjack omni set to C

Wob force:
lvl II heavy mech only (c3i connected as much as possible)
Vanquisher 2B; Grigori Eminus (E); Gurkha 2G; Buccaneer 5W; Legacy 2; Ostroc 5w

lvl II mixed unit (Precentor Bellamount’s unit)
 Grasshopper, Stalker 8S; Hermes 2Sr (ONN);  Eidolon (Use Yao Lien stats from 3085s); Ultra saladin; Axman 3Sr (ONN)


Morale chart for milita
Roll after movement phase
2d6- base 6 for leader in BJ, 7 for jaggermechs, 8 for partisians
+1 for each 2 areo making pass
each 2 under counts as a DOF
1 DOF- +1 to attacks
2 DOF- +3 to attacks
3 DOF- cannot fire, must walk to withdraw next turn

If roll 12, no longer need to make morale checks

Drift chart

   1. Hits 4 way intersection, blasting large hole and breaking watermain, flooding intersection and knocking out water to 4 blocks (7 WP)
   2. Nothing
   3. Hits truck transporting truck taking food to shelter (4 WP)
   4. Hits elementry school, fortunatly its empty (3 WP to rebuild)
   5. Hits McDonald’s, locals celebrate destruction of foreign joint for years to come (0 WP)
   6. Lands in park, destroying statute of famous person (1 WP)
   7. Hits elementry school, unfortunatly, it’s full of refugees (12 WP)
   8. Officer McGillucaty, loyal and well like patrol officer, is making sure everyone is off the street.  He never looks up (6WP)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 02:42:11 PM by agustaaquila »


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Re: Scenarios for both sides revealed
« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2011, 02:44:00 PM »

Terra V

Mission: Over Troubled Water

General: What's the best way to take a bridge?
Major: Both ends at once.
General : I'm sending two companies across the river by boat. I need a man with very special     qualities to lead.
Major: Go on, sir.
General: He's got to be tough enough to do it and he's got to be experienced enough to do it. Plus one more thing. He's got to be dumb enough to do it... Start getting ready.
    Ancient Terra General and Major

Alps Mountains, Ponte Di Molte Miglia
46.04, 9.26 Terran coordinates

With Geneva’s fall, things have gotten significantly worse for the WoB.  With no large force to keep bottled up, the Coalition finally had enough spare forces to bring enough forces to bear on Torino.  Seeing the Battalion of mechs closing in, it didn’t take a genius to figure out that you should run away.  So, taking your mechs and vehicles you ran to the Ponte Di Molte Miglia, the last remaining bridge into the Alps.
The Ponte Di Molte Miglia is a wonder of the star league, a massive bridge many miles long.  It was built to carry many tons of material, more than any other bridge in the area.  The orbital bombardment took out many other bridges through the Alps, and so if this bridge gets destroyed your forces will have to take the long way around through the Balkans, always a risky proposition.

WP Cost: 400 WP

Attacker:  The attacker consists of elements of Comstar and LAAF forces.  They have begun to shell the bridge.

Defender:  WoB 6th army.  The defense must choose 16 units.

Safe Crossing
Get your units across the bridge after defending the bridge
WP reward depends on turn units enter the bridge.
Turn        WP gained
3            10
4            18
5            26
6                          32

Special Rules:
A Bridge Too Far.
The bridge is 1900 CF.  The bridge is 60 hexes long, so at max running speed units will cross in:
Speed        Turns
5        12
6        10
8        8
9        7
11        6
12        5
14        5
Units are considered to move in the end phase, including the turn they enter the bridge exit

Starting weight:  The bridge will start with 700 Tons of units on the bridge, the units will be randomly rolled ahead of time and revealed at the game.

Option Rules:
Early snowstorm- see TacOps page 60 for a listing of possible snowstorm conditions.  The storm with either be a light snowfall, a sleet storm, or a blizzard.  (+40 WP)

Long day in the Saddle- Game will be played under twilight rules, see TO p 58 (+30 WP)

Hard day in the Saddle - Fatigue rules are in effect, see TO p 198 but cut all start times by 70% ie if the skill is 6-7 effects start taking place on turn 3.  (+65 WP)


Wave 1
Steiner scout lance
Wolfhound 2, zeus x2, charger 1A1, Falconer

grim reaper 31, wraith TR2, wasp 1W, initate 04

2 seydlitz z2 w/ 9 high explosive bombs and 1 tag bomb

Wave 2
2 rouge

Atlas II-H, Banshee 8S, Hatchetman 5DD,

flashman 7K, Griffin 6CS


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Re: Scenarios for both sides revealed
« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2011, 02:46:16 PM »

Terra 6, Battle for Bratislava

Scenario: Control

September 27, 3078
North West of Vienna
“I swear to you I saw this giant bug helicopter thing come down and just pick up that Warhammer and fly off!  Guys?  Guys wait up!”  Coalition AsTech relating his experience with a Tonbo VTOL.

The WoB has been chased to the ancient city of Bratislava, in what was once Slovakia.  The city is in a highly defensible position, nestled against mountains to the north with a river to the south.  The only crossing of the river in the area is watched over by the hardened Bratislava Castle.  The only clear way to assault the position would be costly.  Coalition command has provided a surprise for the Protectorate Militia walled up in the city, however, in the form of Tonbo support VTOL.  Your unit has been decided to be the point of the spear, being ferried over the mountains to strike from the north west, through the city.  You must take and hold locations crucial to both the landing operations and eventual siege of the castle.

Mission: Flight of the Phoenix Hawks
WP Cost: 200

Attacker: Coalition may pick up to 18 mechs, up to 140 tons of armor, and up to 8 tons of battlearmor.

Maps:  2x2 + 1 on each side, laid out in the following manner.  Coalition start point will be the top         most map.  Terrain is Urban
         x  x
         x  x

Special Rules:
    Control Points:  There are several key locations on the maps that need to be controlled for the siege to be successful.  These locations are held by moving a unit within 2 hexes and being unopposed by any WoB units, or holding a 2:1 numerical advantage over the enemy at that control point.  At the beginning of the turn, held control points reward 1 point each to their owners.
    Assault In Waves - The coalition only has a limited number of Tonbo and other transport craft to perform this assault with.  The coalition starts with 6 mechs of their choice on the maps, with the remainder in queue.  At any point after the 3rd round (or 3 rounds after last use), the coalition may call in reinforcement of 6 mechs (grouped by the GMs).  This Reinforcement costs 50 WP.
    Spawn Points - At the beginning of the game, the coalition holds the cleared lands to the north of the city.  All units entering the board must enter in this location, barring special exceptions.
    DEATH FROM ABOVE! - at the beginning of their turn, the coalition may reinforce any held control point with one of two available resources.  Once these resources are used, they may not be used again.

        A:  1 King Karnov will do a very low pass, booting out its cargo of Armor.  The             coalition will choose a line of flight for the Karnov that takes it within 3 hexes of the         control point. The armor must be deployed in an open hex within 3 hexes of the             control point.  Armor so deployed must be deployed in the deployment line but not          necessarily in the same hex with any others  Armor Facing will be opposite the             direction of flight.  The Armor may NOT DFA. 

This Reinforcement costs 10WP.     
        This may be used twice.
        B: A Karnov BA Transport will fly over and deposit its cargo of Battle                 Armor Infantry within 3 hexes of the control point.  They may be placed on any             hex within the area, including occupied hexes, so long as they do not cause             stacking issues. 

This Reinforcement costs 5WP.
        This may be used once.
        C: A Coalition Batu streaks down onto the city from its air defense patrol.  Though         under weapons restrictions to only fire on airborne targets (to ensure enough             ammunition to defend the transports), it is able to fire its narc pods to assist the             ground forces.  Choose one WoB mech or tank.  Make an attack roll on this unit             as appropriate for a Strike attack on the front of the unit with a Narc launcher firing         homing pods.  There is no actual ASF on the table, and therefore it may not be             fired back at. 

This Reinforcement costs 1WP.
        This may be used 5 times.

    Overbuilt Eastern European City-  Bratislava is ancient in its design.  Any building larger     than 1 hex is riddled with alleys and built over tunnels and streets.  Battle Armor may pass through these hexes as if they were clear.  BA doing so may not use jump movement.  These BA gain an additional +2 defensive modifier, but no other protection from the buildings.

Optional Conditions
    Hey look, its a flying mech! + 50wp - Tonbo are spectacularly suited for transport, but strangely not for stealth.  The WoB detected you flying over the mountain, and have managed to get operations going faster than expected.  The WoB starts with an additional 5 resource points.

    Botched Flight Schedule +30wp - Due to the logistics involved in this operation, not everything arrives when expected.  Mech reinforcements will be available at turn 5 (or 5 turns after when last used) instead of turn 3.

Word Of Blake
September 27, 3078
“I swear to you I saw this giant bug helicopter thing come down and just drop off that Warhammer and fly off!  Guys?  Guys wait up!”  WoB AsTech relating his experience with a Tonbo VTOL.

The WoB has fallen back to the ancient city of Bratislava,in what was once Slovakia.  The city is in a highly defensible position, nestled against mountains to the north with a river to the south.  The only crossing of the river in the area is watched over by the hardened Bratislava Castle.  The only clear way to assault the position would be costly.  Unfortunately, the Redburn has proven more tricky than expected.  The Coalition appears to have found a way over the mountains with some sort of unknown transport craft, and are attacking from behind our lines.  You must take and hold locations crucial to the landing operations and try to prevent the siege of the castle. 

Defender: The Word of Blake has 3 lvl 2s of mechs, several lvl 1s of armor, and several lvl2s of battlearmor and infantry with which to defend the city.  Only one lvl 2 of mechs will start active.

Maps:  2x2 + 1 on each side, laid out in the following manner.  WoB start point will be the bottom        most map.  Terrain is Urban
         x  x
         x  x

Special Rules:
    Control Points:  There are several key locations on the maps that need to be controlled for the siege to be prevented.  These locations are held by moving a unit within 2 hexes and being unopposed by any Coalition units, or holding a 2:1 numerical advantage over the enemy at that control point.  At the beginning of the turn, held control points reward 1 point each to their owners.

Spawn Points - At the beginning of the game, the Word of Blake holds the Castle to the south of the city.  All units entering the board must enter in this location, barring special exceptions.

Overbuilt Eastern European City-  Bratislava is ancient in its design.  Any building larger     than 1 hex is riddled with alleys and built over tunnels and streets.  Battle Armor may pass through these hexes as if they were clear.  BA doing so may not use jump movement.  These BA gain an additional +2 defensive modifier, but no other protection from the buildings.
    Peace Of Blake Be With You- at the beginning of their turn, the WoB may use any of these available resources.   Once these resources are used up, they may not be used again.

    A: Additional mechs are redeployed from the defensive lines along the river and in the castle to fight the invaders to the city as it becomes more apparent that it is not  a mere raid.    A lvl 2 of Protectorate Militia mechs come on the board at the castle.  This can only be used 3 turns into the battle, or 3 turns after it was last used. 
This Reinforcment costs 8 RP
This may be used twice.

    B: A maxim full of battlearmor rushes up to the front, deploying its cargo ready to fight the invaders within 3 hexes of a held control point.  The lvl 2 of battlearmor may be placed on any hex within the area, including occupied hexes, so long as they do not cause stacking issues.  There is no actual maxim on the table, and therefore it may not be fired upon or support the battle in any other way.
This Reinforcement costs 2RP
This may be used 5 times

    C: Having expected the coalition to reach the city and eventualy try to push through, tyou have equipped partisans in the area with inferno srm launchers and instructed them in their use against armor and mechs.  The partisans may fire on any armor or mechs that are wtihin 2 hexes of a building.  They fire at the enemy with 1 Inferno SRM at gunnery skill 5.  This may only be used on a specific mech twice per round.  There is no actual infantry on the table, and therefore it may not be fired upon or support the battle in any other way.
This Reinforcement costs 1RP
This may be used an unlimited number of times.

    D: The reason for the stalwart defense of the city is that it is a R+R center for Manei Dominei units fighting in North Africa.  Normally they would leave the defense to the militia, but these are desperate times.  You have convinced them to come to defend the city instead of withdrawing to the east.  A lvl 2 of MD mechs comes onto the board at the castle.
This Reinforcement costs 15 RP
This may be used once.

WoB MD unit

Deva C (VDNI, Cyber eyes, cyber ears, internal batery) (3/4)
Archangel C (VDNI, pain shunt) (2/3)
Gerka 4G (Cyber eyes, filtration lungs, dermal armor) (1/2)
Preta Prime (pain shunt, filtration lungs) (3/4)
Dervish 9D (cyber eyes, recorder unit, boosted broadcasting unit, dermal armor) (2/3)
se’irim BA (6) (TSM implant, dermal armor, BA implant) (3/4)


  • Backstabbing Capellan
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Re: Scenarios for both sides revealed
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2011, 02:48:05 PM »

There they all are.  Enjoy.