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Author Topic: OOC: 17 September, 2772  (Read 10528 times)

Darrian Wolffe

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OOC: 17 September, 2772
« on: November 13, 2012, 03:33:45 PM »

MECHANICS NOTE:  Any action you take will be logged as taking 1 hour from the available time until the next scenario.  Whether that's making a repair roll, talking to/interrogating people, or what-have-you.  The only things that don't take time are clearly OOC actions,the process of hooking the Leopard up to the turret power grid (the Leopard crews are doing that), and anything else I denote as not taking time. Oh, as a reminder, you do have a reinforcement lance of 2 Warhammers, a T-bolt, and an Archer.

Here is a not-to-scale tactical map of your position:


First, I need people to post their approximate damage amounts from their record sheets.  Add up the total number of armor boxes you've had destroyed.  Next, it's a yes/no answer on whether you've suffered internal structure damage.  Give a yes/no answer on whether you've suffered any gyro or engine hits.  Give a total number of other critical damage slots you've suffered.  Finally, add in any notes you feel describes the damage to your mech. This is an OOC action.

Callahan, Shadow Hawk -2Hb
-Armor Damage: 10 points
-No IS Damage
-No Engine/Gyro Hits
-No Misc Critical Hits
-Both Arms were completely destroyed (not figured in above totals)

Moon, Griffin -2N
-Armor Damage: 10 points
-No IS Damage
-No Engine/Gyro Hits
-No Misc Critical Hits


Next, prisoners.  You've captured 3 squads of Techs (the 4th was machine-gunned down while they were making their way through the motor pool).  They say they are planetary natives (in RWR jumpsuits).  What are you going to do with them?  If you'd like them to help you in any way, you'll need to convince them...and given the events of the battle, be convincing.  This is an IC action

You've also captured a half-dozen RWR MechWarriors.  Most are in very bad shape from the ejections (4+ pilot hits).  There is a Lieutenant who is only lightly injured, and a Sergeant with moderate head trauma who are both awake.  If you'd like to question them, you may do so. This is an IC action


Taking stock of the situation, you have several buildings you can explore.  Each building will take approximately an hour to look through.  Simply let me know which building you are searching, and whether you are taking any specific actions (carrying any weapons, etc).  This is an IC action


If you would like to take any other action not covered here, post it up (what you are doing and why) and I'll let you know.  This can include almost anything - sleeping, maintaining sensor watch, improvising defensive positions, and so forth.  More complex actions may take longer than 1 hour; you'll be appraised of that before committing to the action.


FINALLY, Mech repairs will be handled once I have everyone's damage tracks back in.  As it stands now, it will require a single Technician/X roll to repair XXXXXXXX  amount of "stuff" on your Mech (the amount may change depending on actions you take).  One roll will take an IC hour to complete, so make sure to balance this against the amount of time you have available*.

*It would take that Spector approximately 2 hours to return to the tunnel entrances near you.  Setting up for an attack against your position in sufficient strength to threaten you would take anywhere from 6-10 hours.  Movement to contact your position would take anywhere from 4-8 hours.  SLDF forces are dropping (in the face of heavy opposition) on the city in the south now, and have planned their movement past your position in approximately 12 hours, so if the RWR wanted to hit them in the flank, they couldn't attack in less than 12 hours.

The Strategic Map of the area is below (you are the southern-most bridge on the right side):

« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 12:23:18 AM by Darrian Wolffe »

Death or Glory

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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2012, 04:59:23 PM »

Reed, Phoenix Hawk -1b
-Armor Damage: 77 points
-IS Damage: 13 points
-Two Engine Critical Hits
-Left Arm Shoulder Actuator Destroyed
-One Critical Hit to Guardian ECM

Next, prisoners.  You've captured 3 squads of Techs (the 4th was machine-gunned down while they were making their way through the motor pool).  They say they are planetary natives (in RWR jumpsuits).  What are you going to do with them?  If you'd like them to help you in any way, you'll need to convince them...and given the events of the battle, be convincing.  This is an IC action

Although Duncan has good social skills, he was also the one who machine gunned one of the technician teams, so someone else should probably handle this one.


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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2012, 05:30:15 PM »

Schwepps, Ostroc
57 external armor
no internal damage
All damage is upper torso and right arm.
Just thinking, if possible; I could move  30 armor from the legs to the center torso and right arm and park myself in one of the defensive positions. Just a thought. Unless we gather enough armor from the hulks on the field.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 09:40:10 PM by phlop »


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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2012, 05:50:07 PM »

Yamamori - Starslayer STY-3C
Armor - 80 points of damage
No IS damage
No Engine / Gyro hits
No Misc Critical hits
Jump Jet in Left Torso though is non-functional
Needs 5 ammo refill for the SRM 4

Yamamori would suggest to Marshall that the two of them sweep the 9 buildings for anything of interest including prisoners and hidden personnel.  Full kits (weapons, armor, etc.) but with an intent to capture / coax out rather than kill unless necessary.  Grabbing food along the way as well.  The order of investigation would be to start with E and D, then sweep buildings F, I, G and H and finally the close in buildings A, B and C.  If the Major wants them investigated in another order that's fine too.  Once completed, Yamamori would volunteer to sweep the perimeter looking for caches, hidden buildings / entrances or signs of foot traffic, probably not in his mech but from the ground.  Ultimately he'll put himself at the disposal of the unit to use his skills as desired.  Should there be any free time beyond that where he's not needed for guard duty, etc. he'd likely sleep.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 08:49:50 PM by Hat »

Black Omega

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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2012, 08:17:50 PM »

Since I have Travis' sheet in case he can't make the next game.....

Hawker, Osprey-15
24 armor damage
1 int struct. damage
no crits
needs ammo reload (gauss and lrm-10)

Banzai, Shad LAM
no damage
needs lrm-10 reload

I thought we were the Northern-most bridge on the right side ???
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 09:12:36 PM by Black Omega »
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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2012, 11:37:19 PM »

Hanney, Stevenson
-No damage whatsoever
-needs 2 tons lrm ammo

We all need some hours of sleep, so we need a sleep roster.  Most you can get is 3, I would recommend 2 hours.  ( I will put one up tomorrow night if no one else does)
Overwatch should begin in about 10 hours, I think I'm the best sensor operator in the unit so I'll volunteer.
While anyone we can get to help will be a bonus, we also need to watch them.  "I always wanted to see Montana."

As for actions, Hanney will grab some rations and head over to the "mechanics", making sure we are well away from.  Everything else is IC.

"Gentlemen, Ladies, we all find ourselves in a tight spot here.  You all have been cut of from your friends, family, and home by the RWR.  I don't know how long its been for you, but for me its been several years since I last got to set foot on my home and see my family on Terra.

Yes, Terra is my home, but right now its not important.  Its this thing that we are all fighting over, but what for.  For some person to claim rulership over everyone else?  To claim to be better than their others simply because of their birth?  Is it even important right now.

No, not compared to those around you, who have suffered just as much as you have.  For your families living in fear right now they could be taken next, have someone knock on the door and be whisked away to do something they may or may not have the skills for to bolster a tyrant.  Its those around you that matter most.

So how can we stop this tyrant here on Summer.  You can give us a hand fixing our mechs and getting this area into fighting shape.  You can show us what you discovered that was hidden from us, things that will hurt your captors, but most importantly, you can continue to hope that Amaris will be overthrown and you will get to see your families again. 

I want to go home and see my family, but first I am willing to help you get home to yours.  Who is with me?"
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 12:08:52 AM by agustaaquila »


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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2012, 12:38:20 AM »

i only have 10 points of armor missing as well as 6 srm shots missing to fix and reload will that take a hour or less than a hour
if it comes to it i will just repair armor my focus is on repairing friendly mechs I have a high skill for technician mech also with having a higher skill mean i repair more in less time or im just better at doing what someone else would in same time frame

is there a way to rig ground sensors further out as a advanced warning system as well as to watch any further actions they may take for our next battle like if they were to bring in reinforcements during battle we would get a early detection as well as figure out the exact time they will be attacking us so we do not get caught with our pants down like they did

also the vehicles we captured would they be better left intact or should we use them as additional fortification or to maybe block the bridge exit as a cone to maybe funnel mechs through could be a double edged sword there though could provide partial cover for them my other thought which i may favor more is use them as ieds in front of the bridge on opposite side of us may cause some damage i mean if a assault is near it may shrug it off but worth a thought if used as a ied what kind of damage could a mech take from that

lastly i would like to get 3 hours of sleep as well as some chow and towards a hr until the fight i can also help with sensor ops

another thought as well we do need to have someone to guard over the prisoners how will we accomplish isolation of actual rwr troops to where we will not have to worry about them causing us trouble

also on a side note rob i just noticed should my mech have case wiki shows it has case but sheet does not
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 12:42:42 AM by Ice »
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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2012, 11:39:48 PM »

I have attached a list suggesting times of sleep for everyone, and here is a list of tasks we need to complete or try to work on that might not be obvious (mostly taking care of ourselves)

Bury bodies  (Leopard Crews or RWR troops, its just a little war crime)
Eat food
Take a shower if facilities available

Anything else?

Rob, this took me 40 minutes to make,  if you want to tag me for another hour, I will spend the balance eating an MRE


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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2012, 11:56:42 PM »

Hawker will get down, strap on his sidearm and chuck his laptop and medkit over his shoulder.  "If you guys need me, I'm going to be checking out that sensor building.  Yamamori, Marshall, I'll tag along.  If anyone needs patching up send them my way."
Action: investigate building E, assuming that's the one with the communications and sensor bumps that we saw.  I'd like to lead with that one if that's all right, Hat.


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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2012, 08:54:21 AM »

Riegien, E building is also the one I suggested starting with for the same reason, so no arguments there.  :)  Having Rowan along saves time calling back to the unit to send someone up who can investigate what they find.  I have no objection if more than 2 people are along.  What I'd like to ensure is that the buildings aren't swept by a single individual.  We should send in 2+ or not sweep it.  At least that would be Yamamori's suggestion.  He's a Sergeant though, so make suggestions then follow orders.

If we use the recommended sleep schedule that's posted, you'd need to switch with someone other than Marshall who's on shift 3 or decrease your schedule from 3 hours to 2.

For the burying of the dead, I would look at that as a sign of respect.  I think it safe to say that if it had been clear that the "infantry" running around the vehicles weren't making any attempts to enter or man the vehicles they would have been left alone.  Given that the PHawk had an opportunity to wipe out the other "infantry" that turned out to be techs and didn't reinforces that opinion.  In game it was obviously a tragedy, but I expect the fog of war would provide sufficient explanation for why the event happened.  Even if Rob said it clearly I don't recall hearing it or John may not have understood which is the OOC fog of war.  :)  The more the characters act as if it's the tragic accident it was, the more likely the events will be treated as such.  If you act like war crimes were commited, the more that view will gain substance.

With a sweep of his...



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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2012, 09:41:06 AM »

As a related thought to the "war crimes" if the major conducted a quick investigation as a preliminary including oversight by the RWR techs to ensure that the electronic records weren't tampered with and reviewed, that could go a long way to gaining the cooperation of the other techs.  At worst it was unclear what the intentions of the techs running around the vehicles were including possible assignment to specific vehicles.  Given that level of ambiguity lack of clear indication of who the individuals were (as evident from the sensors at the time) it should be clear that the individuals posed a significant risk given the vehicles they were around.  Had the 4 LRM carriers been active the battle would have gone a lot worse for the SLDF side.  Again, evidence in favor of Reed is that he had ample opportunity to gun down the other nearby techs who moved away from the vehicles rather than towards them.


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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2012, 09:52:39 AM »

I don't know why this keeps being brought up. There was no "war crime". People on the field of battle, wearing the uniforms and colors of the enemy, were killed. Tragic? Yes. War crime, by any definition? No.

Move on.


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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2012, 10:24:55 AM »

My reference to "war crime" was forcing the captured enemy to bury their own dead.  Not machine gunning them down in the first place. 

Death or Glory

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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2012, 01:04:03 PM »

Because there is some controversy, here is my OOC explanation of why I chose to fire upon the tech team:

Due to some poor results on Sensor Operations checks, the only information I had about the squad of techs I engaged was "they look like guys in RWR uniforms," which can describe everything from supply clerks to elite anti-mech infantry.  I did not know whether or not they were armed, much less whether they were vehicle crewmen or techs.  My decision to fire was based upon the only two pieces of information I knew for sure, which was that they weren't civilians and they were running towards the LRM carriers.  This ambiguity was the reason why I held my fire for two turns despite other players encouraging me to engage the tech teams immediately.  I was reluctant to fire upon a target that had not been clearly identified and that had not yet taken any overtly hostile actions against us.  I chose to do so only after the tech team moved into the same hex as an LRM carrier, which meant that if they were vehicle crews, then the LRM carrier in question would be operational next turn.  Given that our left flank was falling back due to heavy fire from the turrets, an additional 60 LRMs on the left flank would have been enough firepower to bring down my Phoenix Hawk and potentially Hat's Starslayer.  A collapse of the left flank would have left Bryan and Phil in a very overextended position (this was before it became clear that Dan intended to charge onto the bridge with the Guillotine and Spartan, thus taking the pressure off of Bryan and Phil).  Mike had indicated that he felt he was in a position that left him very vulnerable to an attack by the RWR Spector, therefore I wasn't sure if he intended to stick around on the left flank long enough to clean up any potential LRM carriers.  My analysis of the tactical situation was that I could not risk a LRM carrier becoming operational, thus any infantry platoon that had any chance of being vehicle crew would be engaged if it moved towards the LRM carriers.


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Re: OOC: 17 September, 2772
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2012, 01:20:29 PM »

No reason to explain yourself Lt., if they would have surrendered or moved away from the vehicles your choice would have been easy. As it was, they made an aggresive move by going towards a weapon. They made your decision for you. Enough said.
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