I don't want to jump to conclusions. I don't want to go off half-cocked and say something that I will regret later. I have done that enough.
That being said, IF and I mean IF that unsubstantiated rumor is true, then it would have been much better and intellectually honest if TPTB had just said, "Okay, there are now no more LAM's, end of story." Going back door and purposefully changing the rules for the worse, ranks right up with "Chicago Style Politics" as some of the slimiest things that I have ever seen.
If it is not true, I am tempted to corral Randle at Gencon and ask him WTF? I would like to see all of the other play-testing evidence [other than what we did] that made them jump to the incredibly stupid decision that they have made.
I think that this will affect IWM sales of the brand new LAM mini's for which we have been waiting for over 2 years! I was planning to purchase the entire set right after Gencon. Now, I am not so sure.
Of course, in our own games, we are free to use whatever rules that we see fit. However, it was nice to know that we were able to maintain canon rules and situations as much as possible.
There, Rob. How was that?