Ok, so to Rob's GM hint, Capella's come up previously in Operation INVESTITURE as part of the original campaign in which Kato was installed as a noble on Capella. So Kato's family holdings as Mandarin as well as his grandfather's holdings and Rangers' 1st Regiment are all on Capella. Rob has confirmed that the Rangers would be deployed to the field without hesitation as part of the OpFor. Which I guess leaves open the possibility of really good salvage and the opportunity to pick a new unit name.
I had avoided mentioning this previously as I was curious whether anyone would remember. This was also mentioned in the fluff thread I posted to kick off this campaign to provide flavor, especially as this built on the previous campaign.
"Returning to Capella to regroup and rebuild they were offered a lucrative contract by his grandfather for the Rangers to stay and provide garrison and training support. Other responsibilities to be negotiated separately. As an elite unit, they’d bolster the existing local forces. His personal forces as Manadarin were not up to strength or par and his grandfather’s while in better shape could certainly take advantage of it. The contract also included provisions to serve as an adjunct to the Capellan War College at least for field exercises, with other duties or training to be negotiated separately."
For what it's worth, Rob would and will absolutely still let us move ahead with HOMEFRONT if we choose to test ourselves against our former selves. I realize not everyone lives in the fluff or the universe background, but as it's shown itself in the past and again here, in universe situations and events can have a direct impact on the game for both good and ill.
From a fluff perspective if desired the unit could send word ahead to the 1st Rangers alerting them to the recruitment of additional forces for the invasion and a potential timeline for arrival. It might have absolutely no effect on the game whatsoever, but then again it might.
So with all information available, my personal recommendation is POLAR GULF, but I'll absolutely play HOMEFRONT and enjoy it if we go there.